It is intended that the students are able:
To recognize the importance of patient safety and risk management aspects as an integral component of quality health care;
To understand the importance of analyzing the causes that underlie the occurrence of adverse events;
To interpret the issues of patient safety in a systemic and integrated approach;
To use risk management methodologies/tools; To know and correlate the key concepts related to risk assessment and management in patient safety.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Professor Doutor Paulo Sousa
Weekly -
Available soon
Total -
Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
- Slawomirski. L; Auraaen, A; Klazinga, N. The economics of Patient Safety: strengthening a value-based approach to reducing Patient harm at national level. OECD, 2017.
- Segurança do Paciente: Conhecendo os riscos nas organizações de saúde. Org. Paulo Sousa e Walter Mendes. EAD/ENSP-Fiocruz, Editora Fiocruz; Rio de Janeiro, 2019.
-Patient Safety culture as a quality strategy. Cordula Wagner; Solveig Kristensen; Paulo Sousa; Dimitra Panteli. In. Improving healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. Edited by Reinhard Busse; Niek Klazinga; Dimitra Panteli; Wilm Quentin. A joint publication of OECD, WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ISBN 978 92 890 5. UK, 2019.
- Vitorino M, Aguiar P, Sousa P. In-hospital adverse drug events: analysis of trend in Portuguese public hospitals. Cad. Saúde Pública. 2020; 36(3): e00056519. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00056519.
Teaching method
- Lecture method (theoretical)
- Analysis and discussion of real situations/cases
Evaluation method
individual final evaluation - essay (60%);
group work (40%)
Subject matter
- Quality in Health and Patient Safety: Dimensions of quality in health
- Fundamentals of Risk Management and Patient Safety
- Patient Safety in different countries
- Epidemiological studies on AEs and prevention strategies
- Human Factors and patient safety
- Work analysis and ergonomic intervention; Ergonomics and patient safety
- International Patient Safety Goals
- Healthcare acquired infections
- Leadership and Safety culture
- Research on patient safety
Programs where the course is taught: