Health and Technologies Thesis Project


It is intended that students develop and present publicly their thesis project in Health and Technology, properly structured and timetabled, to contribute in an innovative and original way to the advancement of knowledge. The thesis project should reflect the capacity for systematic understanding in the field of Health and Technology, in particular being framed with the specificities of the area of specialization in which the doctoral student intends to develop his project, and demonstrate capacity for organizing and conducting scientific research in accordance with the requirements of quality and academic integrity



General characterization





Responsible teacher

Professor Doutor André Rosário


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


- Oliveira, L.A. (2011). Dissertação e tese em ciência e tecnologia segundo Bolonha: Guia de boas práticas. Lisboa: Lidel.

- Witkinson, D. (2005). The essential guide do postgraduate studies. London (UK): Sage publications.


Teaching method

This curricular unit is organized in theoretical-practical classes, seminars and tutorials according to the school regulations of the University of Évora.

Work on attendance where the student will be encouraged to actively participate in the preparation and execution of the work leading to the respective thesis project, in the discussion of results in class, to complete the final document. There will also be a strong component of non-classroom work to be developed by the student.

The supervisor will intervene actively, framing the students' learning and progress on the drafting of a reasoned, coherent and feasible project. The project of thesis should be constructed including the following structure: Title, theme, objectives, state of the art, methods and time scheduling.

The thesis project implies the approval of an evaluation committee, and therefore should be presented and defended publicly by the student, during seminars prepared for this purpose


Evaluation method


Subject matter

The syllabus of this course aimed to scientifically frame the problem to investigate, to trace the state of the art of the selected theme, to announce clearly the objectives of the study and to identify possibilities of work and the expected results.

The syllabus includes: literature review, definition of objectives, proposal of the experimental design, expected results, thesis schedule and public presentation, discussion and defence of the thesis project.



Programs where the course is taught: