The student must be able to:
a) Identify the discursive clusters related to the term «cyberculture»;
b) Analyse, in a genealogical perspective,authors and texts relevant to the understanding of the definitions and the disputes surrounding the concept;
c) Gather theoretical and methodological tools that allow the identification and the understanding of cyberculture;
d) Apply the acquired knowledge to contemporary reality;
e) Apply this knowledge in an original and autonomous way to a research presented in a clear and logical form.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Jorge Manuel Martins Rosa
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Não aplicável.
TOFTS, Darren, JONSON, Annemarie e CAVALLARO, Alessio (orgs.), Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History, Cambridge (MA) e Londres, The MIT Press, 2002.
HAYLES, N. Katherine, How we became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics, Chicago (IL), University of Chicago Press, 1999.
DOYLE, Richard, On Beyond Living: Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences, Stanford (CA), Stanford University Press, 1997.
MAZLISH, Bruce, The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines, New Haven (NJ) e Londres, Yale University Press, 1993.
BOLTER, J. David (1984), Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1984.
Teaching method
Being a post-graduate seminar, the teachers presentations must be previously prepared by students', that must read the supporting bibliography, to potentiate critical discussion. The students presentations will enrich the seminar, by introducing other cases and perspectives related to fictional modes.
Evaluation: Participation in class and preparation and execution of a research paper, in the following stages: project, with workplan and preliminary bibliography; oral presentation in class, and its discussion; final written essay; participation in a collaborative wiki project on the vocabulary of cyberculture.
Evaluation method
Método de Avaliação - Attendance and Participation(10%), Final written essay (50%), Oral presentation in class, and its discussion(20%), Project, with workplan and preliminary bibliography(20%)
Subject matter
0.Para uma definição da cibercultura: da génese ou «proto-cibercultura» à sua omnipresença.
1.O binómio Embodiment (da informação) x Disembodiment (do sujeito).
1.1.Norbert Wiener e a redescoberta do prefixo «cyber».
1.2.As ligações à teoria matemática da comunicação. A informação à solta.
1.3.Agenciamentos contemporâneos (Estudos de caso). A noção de ciberespaço.
2.O binómio Humano x Maquínico.
2.1.Posicionamentos: Humano, Animal, Máquina.
2.2.Entre Alan Turing e Vannevar Bush: emulação da inteligência ou augmentation do intelecto?
2.3.De Clynes/Kline a Donna Haraway: O cyborg como construção sociocultural.
2.4.Agenciamentos contemporâneos (Estudos de caso). O que é ser cyborg: da teoria à prática.
3.O binómio Mecânico x Orgânico.
3.1.Em vez da mente, o corpo: Rumo ao pós-humano.
3.2.Da mente ao corpo, do corpo ao código: entre o pós-humano e o pós-vital.
3.3.Agenciamentos contemporâneos (Estudos de caso). Corpo e máquina: euforias e resistências.
Programs where the course is taught: