Sociologia e Práticas Profissionais dos Sociólogos


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General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Afonso de Bivar Sedas Nunes


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



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Ágoas, F. (2013). Narrativas em perspetiva sobre a história da sociologia em Portugal. Análise Social, 206.

Alexander, J.C. (2019). What Makes a Social Crisis? The societalization of social problems. Cambridge: Polity.

Baptista, L., Machado, P. (2010). Our (scientific) community and our society: rethinking the (...) national sociological associations: the Portuguese case. Sociologia online, 1.

Blumer, H. (1971). Social problems as collective behavior, Social Problems, vol. 18, 3.

Burawoy, M. (2004). Public sociologies: contradictions dilemas, and possibilities. Social Forces, 82 (4).  

Burawoy, M. (2006). Por uma sociologia pública. Política & Trabalho, 25.

Lenoir, R. (1996). Objeto sociológico e problema social. In Champagne, P., et al. Iniciação à Prática Sociológica. Petrópolis: Vozes.

Fleck, C., Hess, Andreas (eds.) (2014). Knowledge for Whom? Public sociology in the making. Farnham: Ashgate. 

Gusfield, J.R. (1981). The Culture of Public Problems. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Machado, F.L. (2020). Sociologia em Portugal. Da pré-história à institucionalização avançada. Porto: Afrontamento.

Machado, F.L. (2022). Investigação Sociológica em Portugal. Um guia histórico e analítico. Porto: Afrontamento.

Mineiro, J. (2012). Será possível profissionalizar uma ciência? Cientificidade, profissionalização e questões deontológicas na Sociologia. CIES, Working-Paper 135.

Nunes, A.S. (1988). Histórias, uma história e a História – sobre a origem das modernas Ciências Sociais em Portugal, Análise Social, 100

Pimentel, D. (2016). Sociologia em Contextos. Um Inventário de Monografias Sobre Práticas Profissionais. Lisboa: Sílabo.

Pinto, J.M. (2007). A Sociologia em Portugal: formação, tendências recentes e alternativas de desenvolvimento. In Indagação Científica, Aprendizagens Escolares, Reflexividade Social. Porto: Afrontamento

Pinto, J.M. (2007). Open the social sciences: to whom and for what?, by Michael Burawoy. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 6 (3).

Ramos, M., Capucha, L., Tavares, I. (orgs) (2018). Quem são e o que fazem os sociólogos em Portugal? Lisboa: Mundos Sociais.

Spector M., Kitsuse J. (1977). Constructing social problems. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

Weber, M (2017). A Ciência e a Política como Ofício e Vocação. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.

Teaching method

The teaching methodologies involve: 1) theoretical-practical classes and tutorial orientation (contact time with the teacher); 2) workshops by invited people that graduated on sociology where examples of professional practices are presented and discussed; 3) the individual work of the students based on the bibliography reading.

Evaluation method

The acquisition of the analytical operationalization skills is evaluated as follows: individual written paper on the course' "theoretical" content (50%); workshop with guest sociology graduate animation (25%); critical review of a given workshop which was not animated by the student (25%).

Subject matter

1. The case of social problems as a mind-blowing example of the full of hardships relationship between sociology and sociologists' professional practice in organizational contexts

2. The articulations between sociology as fundamental and applied science, and the instrumental uses of sociological knowledge

3. Sociology and the professionalization of sociologists

4. Sociologist professions: identity and ethical dimensions

5. Institutionalization of sociology in Portugal and professional associations

6. Professional practices and sociologists’ professional roles 

7. Professional experiences in organizational contexts