Alemão C1
The learner can
- understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly;
- understand television programmes and films without too much effort;
- can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style;
- can understand specialised articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to his field;
- express himself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions;
- use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes;
- formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate his contribution skilfully to those of other speakers;
- present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion;
- express himself in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Celeste de Sousa Machado
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Lösche, R.-P. (Hrsg.): Aspekte 3 (C1) Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch. München: Langenscheidt, 2009
Buscha, A.; Szita, S.; Raven, S.: C Grammatik. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Leipzig: Schubert, 2013
Teaching method
Practical language teaching. The communicative teaching of the lessons from it aims to promote the interaction of the learner and an ever more extensive autonomous learning. The intercultural approach would lead to a better understanding of cultural diversity.
Evaluation method
Assessment methods - Attendance and Participation(10%), Oral Exam(20%), Task-Based Language homework(10%), Written Test(60%)
Subject matter
Vocabulary, phrases and idioms are developed on the basis of the following topics:
- Time in everyday life
- Housing models in different stages of life
- Soft skills in working life; globalization
- Legal concepts in contexts
- The world of arts
The following structures of the German language are discussed:
- Speech Playback
- Nominalization and verbalization example with concessive and Konsekutivsäten
- Characteristics of the passive voice, for example neutral passive
- Prepositions with dative and genitive
- Subjective used modal verbs
- Future I and II of presumptions
- Partizipialgruppen
Programs where the course is taught: