Spanish C1


Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Beatriz Moriano Moriano


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


1. AAVV. (2006). El ventilador. Barcelona: Difusión.
2. Matte Bon, F., (2005). Gramática comunicativa del español (tomos I y II). Madrid: Edelsa.
3. AAVV. (2011). Diccionario combinatorio práctico del español contemporáneo. Madrid: SM.
4. Benetti, G., Casellato, M. e Messori, G. (2004). Más que palabras. Literatura por tareas. Barcelona: Difusión.
5. Chirbes, R. (2007). Crematorio. Barcelona: Anagrama.

Teaching method

The communicative and intercultural approach promotes continuous student participation and critical reflection through different comprehension, expression, interaction and mediation activities that include self-assessment practices and the use of digital and audiovisual materials.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - - communicative competence test at the end of the semester (40%), - extensive reading and commentary of texts(30%), - oral presentations and regular participation in classes(30%)

Subject matter

1. Academic, advertising, journalistic and literary discourse.
2. Systematization of Spanish grammar with attention to meaning.
3. Strategies to intensify and mitigate the discourse. Courtesy formulas.
4. Resources for expanding vocabulary: idioms and frequent combinations.
5. Coherence and cohesion.
6. Philological study of Spanish as a system: phonetic, morphosyntactic and orthographic perspectives.
7. Current and historical issues in the Spanish world. Reflection on the links with the cultures of origin.
8. Recognition of dialectal and linguistic diversity in Spain and Latin America.