Didactics of French I


To acquire/consolidate concepts and terminology central to teaching-and-learning French FL.
To identify,characterize and assesse different methods and approaches in French FL.
To get familiar with national French syllabuses and with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
To have a critical understanding of the contemporary uses of digital technology with regard to the implications for teaching and learning.
To reflect on teaching-and-learning issues in pedagogical contexts, articulating declarative knowledge (savoir);skills and know-how (savoir-faire);existential competence (savoir-être) and ability to learn (savoir-apprendre).
To develop reflection on the foreign language learner,the different teacher roles,and classroom interaction patterns.
To build up proposals to develop receptive,productive,interactive and mediating skills.
To increase awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Christina Philomène Léa Marie-José Dechamps


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





BEACCO, J.C. (2007). Lapproche par compétences dans lenseignement des langues. Paris: Didier
BERTOCCHINI, P. (2008). Manuel de formation pratique pour le professeur de FLE. Paris: Clé International
Conseil de l'Europe (2001). Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues. Paris: Didier + volume complémetaire (2018)
CUQ, J.P. et alii (2017). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Grenoble: PUG
CUQ, J.P. et alii (2003). Dictionnaire de didactique du français. Paris: Clé international
NARCY-COMBES, M.F. (2005). Précis de didactique: devenir professeur de langue. Paris: Ellipses
LIONS-OLIVIERI, M.L. (2011). Lapproche actionnelle dans lenseignement des langues. Paris: éd. Maison des Langues
PUREN, C. (1994-2008). La didactique des langues étrangères à la croisée des méthodes. Paris: Didier-Credif
Programas Francês, Ensino Básico 3º Ciclo/Secundário. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação Aprendizagens Essenciais (2018). Lisboa: Ministério da Educação

Teaching method

The course will combine theoretical and practical classes, including presentation, demonstration, practical exercises, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Classes will favour the practical implementation of theory, interaction and students’ active participation both individually and in a group.
Whenever possible, the course illustrates the implementation of studied approaches, principles and concepts, through the teaching practice, thus contributing to learning through observation and reflection.

Evaluation method

Assessment methods - Theoretical and practical assignments throughout the semester(60%), Written test in class(40%)

Subject matter

a) Language and central concepts underlying teaching French FL
b) Theories, methodologies and approaches to teaching French FL.
c) Receptive, productive, interactive and mediating skills.
d) Learner motivation, differences between learners and different learning contexts
e) Planning and classroom management.
f) Theories and rationales guiding assessment and evaluation.
h) Testing instruments and techniques.
g) The role of error in a pedagogical perspective.