Discourse and Translation
Increase knowledge of the concepts that are central to translation studies and to the sciences that relate to these;
Discuss contemporary theories underlying Translation Studies and debate issues relating to them;
Frame the issues raised by language mediation brought on by different textual genres, in different social and professional activities;
Identify the functionality of texts of different genres on the basis of explicit criteria, on context of situation and culture and on superstructure and language;
Adopt a contrastive and differential orientation with regard to linguistic decisions (regarding micro and macro structure) in translation work.
Apply an enunciative methodology to analyze text/discourse in a comparative perspective (Portuguese, French, English).
Develop a research attitude with regard to translation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Without prior requirements
BRONCKART, J.-P. 1997. Activité langagière, textes et discours. Pour un interactionisme socio-discursif. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestlé (trad. portuguesa: 1999. Atividade de linguagem, textos e discursos: por um interacionismo socio-discursivo. São Paulo, EDUC).
CAMPOS, Maria Henriqueta Costa. 1997. Tempo, aspecto e modalidade. Porto: Porto Editora.
CULIOLI, Antoine. 1990-2000. Pour une linguistique de l'énonciation. 3 vols. Paris: Ophrys, 1990.
Gutt,E.A. (2000) Translation and Relevance. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.
HATIM, B., & MASON, I., 1990, Discourse and the Translator, Longman, New York,.
HATIM, B, and MASON, I (1997) Translation and Communication. London: Routledge.
HEIDMANN, U. (2010). Pôr as diferenças em diálogo: o exemplo da tradução do projeto de Constituição europeia. In: Adam, J.-M., Heidmann, U. & Maingueneau, D. Análises textuais e discursivas. Metodologia e aplicações. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, pp. 83-92
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Assessment - students’ participation in the seminars(20%), written assignments with class presentation based on the scholarly discussion of theoretical issues and specific cases(80%)
Subject matter
The role of text genres.
Texts and text genres: contextual factors and textual architecture. Parameters describing the context (physical and socio-subjective). Textual architecture: general infrastructure, textualization mechanisms and mechanisms of discursive accountability.
Languages in confrontation in the translation of texts belonging to different genres: problems and systematization.
Enunciation and enunciative parameters. Enunciation and modality. Markers of enunciation in text/discourse.
Exclamation structures as marks of the enunciating subject: a comparative study of a literary text in Portuguese in comparison with its translation in French and English.
The pragmatic dimension of context and its adaptation to the receiver of the target text.
Theories of Discourse and Translation: Critical analysis and application of theories and contemporary issues:
Relevance, Skopos; Equivalence; ...
Contexts of Culture and Situation, Register and Variation
Revision / Quality