Music Didatics in Music Education II (Music Learning Theory)


1. To acknowledge different philosophies and educational practices within the scope of Music Pedagogy.

2. To analyze musical teaching-learning situations by applying elements of the pedagogical perspectives studied.

3. To develop practical musical and relational skills necessary for the exercise of teaching.

4. To explore new approaches in the context of musical learning.

5. To identify relevant sources of information for lifelong learning in the context of Music Pedagogy.

6. To acquire meta-learning tools from the principles of MLT.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Maria Ferreira Rodrigues da Silva


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Bluestine, E. (2000). The ways children learn music. GIA Publications.

Gordon, E. (2000). Teoria de Aprendizagem Musical - Competências, Conteúdos e Padrões. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gordon, E. (2008). Teoria de Aprendizagem Musical para recém-nascidos e crianças em idade pré-escolar. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gordon, E. & Woods, D. (1990). Reference Handbook for using Learning Sequence Activities. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum. GIA Publications.

Rodrigues, H., Rodrigues, P. M. & Nunes, P. (2003). Bebé Babá - da musicalidade dos afectos à música com bebés. Campo das Letras (livro e vídeo).

Rodrigues, H., Rodrigues, P. M. & Rodrigues, P. F. (2016). Manual para a Construção de Jardins Interiores. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Rodrigues, P. M. & Rodrigues, H. (2008 e 2010). Enciclopédia da Música com Bicho. Companhia de Música Teatral. (Tomos I a VI)

Shouldice, H. (2021). Weaving it all together: A practical guide for applying Gordon’s Music Learning Theory in the Elementary general music program. GIA Publications.

Valerio, W., Reynolds, A., Bolton, B., Taggart, C., & Gordon, E. (2000). Music Play: The early childhood music curriculum guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers. GIA Publications.

Teaching method

1. Experiencing musical situations by exploring the use of voice and movement in the creation of musical variety (tonally and rhythmically). Learning and singing songs in different tonalities; chanting rhythm chants in different meters. Building a repertoire based on examples taken from musical literature and creation.

2. Study of repertoire from the book Music Play, Jump Right In, Manual para a construção de Jardins Interiores. Role-play scenarios.

3. Practical experiences based on materials from the projects Bebé Babá; Andakibebé; A Enciclopédia da Música com Bichofonia; Grande Bichofonia; Opus Tutti; GermInArte; Manual para a Construção de Jardins Interiores - Colos de Música, Colo dos Bichos and Colo da Terra.

Evaluation method

Assessment - Recording and delivering the audios corresponding to the musical material in the session plan(10%), Writing a session plan for 2nd cycle students based on MLT(50%), Written test(40%)

Subject matter

1. Foundations and elements of music learning theory.

2. Life and work of Edwin Gordon. Contributions to the Psychology of Music and Music Pedagogy.

3. The concepts of musical aptitude and performance according to musical learning theory: definition and instruments of evaluation.

4. From preparatory audiation to audiation: from informal musical guidance to formal instruction.

4.1 Stages of preparatory audiation and educational practices.

4.2. The use of tonal and rhythm patterns in preparatory audiation.

5. Types and stages of audiation.

5.1. Learning sequences: skills and contents.

5.2. Tonal and rhythm patterns - techniques of use.

5.3. Learning sequence activities and classroom activities.

5.4. Movable syllabic systems: tonal solfeggio and rhythmic solfeggio

6. Learning processes: discrimination and inference.

7. Creativity and improvisation.

8. Aspects relating to the observation of musical behavior in individual and group situations. Issues that arise in the context of its measurement.


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