Aesthetics and Ontology


i) reading and analysis of fundamental modern and contemporary philosophic texts on art
ii) identification of categories, concepts, and problems implied in the philosophic reflection about aesthetic experience and artistic creation
iii) understanding the context of the origins of Aesthetics within modern philosophic thinking
iv) critical understanding of the contribution of Aesthetics to the questioning of Western culture about its own developments

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Jorge de Castro Caeiro


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Does not apply.


1) Caeiro, António de Castro (2017). Píndaro. Odes Olímpicas. Lisboa, Abysmo.

Caeiro, Antóino de Castro (2010). Píndaro Odes. Lisboa, Quetzal.

Theunissen, M. (2008). Pindar: Menschenlos und Wende der Zeit. C.H. Beck.

2) Michael Knaupp (2019). Hölderlin, Friedrich, Sämtliche Werke und Briefe, 3 vols. München, Carl Hanser Verlag.

Dastur, Françoise (1997). Hölderlin. Le retournement natal, La Versanne, Encre Marine. 

Fóti, Véronique (2006). Epochal Discordance: Hölderlin’s Philosophy of Tragedy, Albany, SUNY Press.

Teaching method

The seminarial sessions consist of moments of oral exposition of the problems and concepts proposed as well as of the reading and discussion of the texts. The evaluation is based on a written paper and takes into account the students participation in the discussions that has place during the sessions.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

The Will to Power as Art (Der Wille zur Macht Als Kunst). We set out with Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche (GA vol. 6.1). The phenomenon of will is interpreted as affect (Affekt), passion (Leidenschaft) and feeling (Gefühl). How does the aesthetic phenomenon interpreted ontologically allow an understanding of the relationship between expression and life? We will investigate how the lyrical disposition from its archaic breakthrough until its radical expression in Hölderlin. Are authors like Pindar, Sappho, Alcman, Hölderlin, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Nietzsche usually situated in different, if not opposite, fields of human experience dealing with the same problems?