Theories and Practices of Writing and Proofreading
This unit aims at complementing theories and practices of different written productions. There will be a critical evaluation of the different skills that allow the construction and the interpretation of a text as a written object and tools will be provided in order to validate and qualitatively evaluate texts.
By the end of this curricular unit the students are expected to: develop the critical capacity that will allow them to intervene in the different stages of written productions, aiming at optimizing the final outcome; be able to identify accurately deviant forms and constructions in written productions, and provide clear diagnosis; adequately know and use specific tools to solve identified problems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Chanquoy, L. , 2009. Revision Processes. In R. Beard, et al. (eds) The Sage handbook of writing development. Los Angeles/London: SAGE, pp. 80-97.
Daniels, Peter T. 2001. Writing systems. In Aronoff, Mark & Janie Rees-Miller (eds) The handbook of linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 43-80.
Duarte, Inês. 2003. Aspectos linguísticos da organização textual. In Mateus, Maria Helena et al. Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, pp.87-123.
Halté, J.-F. & A. Petit Jean. 1989 Savoir écrire Savoir faire. Pratiques, 61, pp. 3-28.
Kato, Mary. 1998. No mundo da escrita. Uma perspectiva psicolinguística. S.Paulo: Ática (6º edição).
Marcuschi, L. A. 2000. Da fala para a escrita. S.Paulo: Cortez Editora.
Pereira, Luísa Álvares. 2000. Escrever em Português. Didácticas e Práticas. Lisboa: Asa.
Vigotsky, Lev Semenovich, [1934] 2007. A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos superiores. In M. Cole, et al. (eds.) 2007. L.S. Vigotsky. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
Teaching method
The seminars will have both a theoretical (50%) and a practical component (50%). In addition to oral presentations of guided readings, a set of case studies will be defined. The topics proposed for study, reflection and discussion are scheduled early in the semester and will be based on readings of the recommended bibliography.
Evaluation method
Evaluation method - The evaluation of the studentes is based: (i) on the active participation in seminar sessions, according to the different educational activities that are planned (10%), on the discussion of theoretical texts according to the topics of the programme and the regular oral presentation on specific subjects(50%), the preparation of one original final report and its oral presentation(40%)
Subject matter
Module 1:
The act of writing: cognitive and physiological implications;
The contrastive perspectives in theoretical oral and written processes;
The orthographic transcription and the retextualization processes (from oral to written and from written to oral).
Module 2:
What is writing?
Private writing and public writing;
Writing and rewriting;
Planned and heuristic writing.
Module 3:
Operations on texts: contraction, summary and synthesis.
Module 4:
What is good writing: the quality evaluation methods of writing;
Know how to write and know how to evaluate writing;
Models and practices for evaluating written texts;
Criteria for editing: practices of proofreading.
Module 5:
Evaluation practices: assessments, critical reviews, reports;
Building materials to support the assessment of written productions in various professional contexts.