Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship


- To develop competencies in scientific research allowing the formal production of a PhD thesis;
- To introduce the methodology of advanced scientific research in view of the production of new knowledge;
- To communicate scientifically the results of an advanced research.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ricardo Severino Salomão Lopes


Weekly - 2

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Deardorff,D.(2009).The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence
Sequeira,Rosa M.(2012).A comunicação intercultural é uma utopia?In Petrov et al.(ed.s),Avanços em Literatura e Cultura...
Sequeira,Rosa M.(2013).A literatura na aula de língua estrangeira e a competência intercultural
Spencer-Oatey, H et al(2009).Intercultural Interaction. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural
Witte,Arnd e T. Harden(eds)(2011) Intercultural Competence – concepts, challenges, evaluations.Peter Lang
Spolsky,B.(2009)Language Management.Cambridge University Press
Calvet, Louis-Jean(2002)Le marché aux langues: Essai de politologie linguistique sur la mondialisation. Paris:
Salomão, Ricardo(2011)Comunicação e Exportação. Lisboa: CEMRI, Nova Vega
Johnson,David Cassels(2013). Language Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Banks,J. A.(2001).Citizenship education and diversity.Journal Teacher Education
Byram,M.(2009)From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship

Teaching method

Classwork is both theoretical and practical and includes exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and
reflection on thecourse units´ topics and contents. Active student participation, both individually and in groups,
will be privileged. The modules that compose each course unit will be offered in the form of blended learning,
with limited classroom-based sessions scheduled at the opening of the course and online work to be carried
via e-learning platform.
Objectives, programmatic contents, resources and activities, as well as the assessment schedule, is stated in
the Research Learning Contract posted on the platform. The teaching work to be carried out will focus on the
practical implementation of the approaches, principles and concepts under consideration, facilitating the
learning process through observation and reflection.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

1. The epistemological questions
2. The advanced scientific research
3. The practical questions
4. The preparation and writing of a research project paper
5. Writing the thesis
6. The preparation of the public defense