Theories of International Relations
a) Understanding the main currents in IR Theory
b) Main concepts for the study of contemporary the international systems
c) Analyse current international issues and problems
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Daniel da Silva Costa Marcos
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
a) MORGENTHAU, Hans, Politics among Nations, Nova York, 1948
b) ARON, Raymond, Paix et guerre entre les nations. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1962
c) WALTZ, Kenneth, Theory of International Politics, Nova York, McGraw-Hill, 1979
d) BULL, Hedley, The Anarchical Society, Nova York, Columbia University Press, 1977
Teaching method
The Course wil be taught by the presentation of the subjects by the teacher in the classroom. Students are required to present reference texts in class and to write an individual essay. Students are required to attend all the lectures.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
a) Defining the field of IR theory
b) The main schools of IR Theory : classical realism, neo-realism and neo-classical realism ; liberalism and institutonal liberalism ; idealism and constructivism
c) Theory of the international system : nature, structure, levels of analysis, agents, change and stability, order, alliances, political regimes and ideologies
d) Contemporary issues : unipolarity, constitutional orders, regional security complexes, power transitions, new types of war, legitimacy, and justice