Globalisation and Security


  • Develop capacities to understand, analyse and investigate the most relevant challenges due to the Globalization process, in a logic of security and securitization;

  • Acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge about the concept of Security, with emphasis on the concept of human and cooperative security;

  • Acquire knowledge on the response tools to be used in an increasingly global world, characterised by the emergence of new risks, threats and inter- and infra-state conflicts (diplomacy, development, cooperation, democracy);

  • Gather information on the current and future reality, in order to participate in strategic analysis processes and support decision-making, particularly in the sphere of public policies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Ameaças e Riscos Transnacionais no novo Mundo Global (coord. J. Vieira Borges e Teresa Rodrigues). Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2016
BAYLIS, John & Smith, S.,The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. 6ed. Oxford: OUP, 2014
Globalization and international security. An overview (Rodrigues, T. et al ed), NI, NOVA Publishers, 2014
HELD, David; Roger, Charles; ed. Global Governance at Risk: Wiley Blackwell, 2013
HURRELL, Andrew. On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
KALDOR, Mary; Rangelov, Iavor, ed. Handbook of Global Security Policy: Wiley Blackwell, 2013
Security at a Crossroad. New tools for new challenges (Rodrigues, T, Inácio,A., ed). NI: NOVA Publishers, 2019

Teaching method

Presentation of the different subjects by the teacher and other invited specialists. Presentation and discussion of texts and of the student’s individual researches (case studies).

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Attendance and participation.(20%), Individual Report (paper version and CD) with about 15 pages.(60%), Presentation of two Opinion Papers.(20%)

Subject matter

a)       Understand in a profond way Globalisation & Security-concepts and dynamics:

  1. Globalization: definitions, sheds and temporalities;

  2. Economic-financial dynamics of globalization;

  3. Globalisation, standardisation and identity.

b)      Discuss the challenges of globalisation and of the new World order:

  1. Actors;

  2. Themes and issues;

  3. Prospective scenarios.