Portuguese Foreign Policy


To identify the main theories of international relations and its application in foreign policy analysis;
To understand and to identify the main instruments of foreign policy analysis;
To acquire proficiency about the domestic and external determinants and historical constants of the Portuguese foreign policy models;
To identify, on a historical perspective, the basic thrust of the Portuguese foreign policy, especially in what concerns the events, structures, changes and continuities;
Identify the actors, processes, and strategies behind the formulation of the Portuguese foreign policy.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Henrique Nuno Pires Severiano Teixeira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


-TEIXEIRA, Nuno Severiano, Entre a Africa e a Europa: A política Externa Portuguesa, 1890-2000, in Pinto, António
Costa, «Portugal Contemporâneo», Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2005;
- AAVV., Visões da Política Externa Portuguesa, Sociedade de Geografia/Instituto Diplomático, Lisboa, 2005.
Hudson, Valerie, Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory, Nova Iorque: Rowman and Littlefield
Publishers, 2006;
- HILL, Cristopher, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, Palgrave, Londres, 2003;
- CHARILLON, Frédèric, Politique Étrangére. Nouveaux Regards, Paris, PUF, 2002.

Teaching method

Presentation of the main issues debated during the course with a contextualization of concepts and problems. Collective discussion of the main points.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Part I Theoretic Perspective
Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory;
Foreign Policy Analysis: theory and instruments of analysis.
Part II Historical Perspective
 Constitutional Monarchy;
First Republic;
New State;
Part III Contemporary Perspective.
The Europeanization of the Portuguese foreign policy;
Portugal and the transatlantic relations;
Post-colonial visions in Portuguese foreign policy;
Portugal and the Iberian Peninsula;
Portuguese foreign policy for the Middle East and the Mediterranean;
Portugal, Brazil and Latin America;
Portuguese participation on the multilateral organizations: NATO and the EU;
Portuguese Foreign Policy: Geopolitical constraints, historical and contemporary models.