Seminário de Especialidade em Arquivística Histórica
1. Get to know the main study centers and vehicles of transmission on Archival research, especially in Historical Archives
2. Get to know the current research issues
3. To be able to define a subject of extensive study in Historical Archives, on the basis of theoretical, methodological and empirical material, in relation to the subject of the doctoral dissertation
4. To make a localized and circumscribed, but in-depth, research, in Historical Archives, in the doctoral thesiss subject-matters (first exploration of the empirical material)
5. To write a scientific essay whose quality is suitable to be submitted to peer reviewed journals
6. To master the techniques of oral presentation and defense of scientific work
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria de Lurdes Pereira Rosa
Weekly - 2
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
Blouin Jr.,Francis, e Rosenberg, William G., Processing the Past. Contesting Authority in History and the Archives, Londres/ N. Iorque, Oxford UP, 2011
Blouin Jr., Francis, e Rosenberg, William G. (eds.), Archives, documentation, and institutions of social memory : essays from the Sawyer Seminar, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press,2006.
Craig, Barbara, Heather MacNeil, «Exploring Perspectives and Themes for Histories of Records and Archives. The First International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (ICHORA).» Archivaria, vol. 60 (2005), p. 110.
Head, Randolph C. «Preface: Historical research on archives and knowledge cultures: na interdisciplinary wave». Archival Science, vol. 10, n 3 (Novembro 2010), p. 191194.
Jobs, Sebastian, Unsettling History: Archiving and Narrating in Historiography, Chicago,University of Chicago Press, 2010.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies:
- Lectures
- Reading and discussion of texts
- Detailed studies of documental typologies / archives
- Tutorials after first draft
- Debate of oral presentation
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1. Presentation of the main centers of scientific production in Archival Science/ Social History of archives
2. In-depth theoretical issues in Historical Archives research
3. In-depth research on methodologies in Historical Archives
4. Theoretical and methodological questions focused on the object of study chosen for the doctoral thesis (archives typology, evolution of archival systems, archival operations, archives and context).