History of Private Life in the Middle Ages


a) To discuss the concepts of "private life" and "daily life" applied to the Middle Ages;
b) To know the specialized bibliography on the subject;
c) To analyse central aspects of private life in the Middle Ages, using the adequate concepts to its study, namely, spaces and places, the body, personal piety, memories, the family, feast, solitude / marginality, the woman, the child, sexuality, emotions and material culture.
4) To be able to do research work on the subject.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Bernardo João da Silveira de Vasconcelos e Sousa


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


ARIÈS, Philippe, A Criança e a Vida Familiar no Antigo Regime, Lisboa, Relógio d´Água, 1988.
COELHO, Maria Helena da Cruz, "A Vida Quotidiana Medieval Portuguesa. Percurso Historiográfico", Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum, IX, 2015, pp. 343-359.
História da Vida Privada, dir. de Philippe Ariès e Georges Duby, 2- Da Europa Feudal ao Renascimento, dir. de G. Duby, s.l., Afrontamento, 1990.
História da Vida Privada em Portugal – A Idade Média, José Mattoso (dir.), Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa (coord.), Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2010.
MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira, A Sociedade Medieval Portuguesa. Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana, 4ª ed., Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 1981.
MATTOSO, José, Naquele Tempo, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2009.
SWANSON, R. N., Religion and Devotion in Europe, c. 1215-c. 1515, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Teaching method

Teaching method: The MA sessions will be of variable format, but in general terms they will be composed of a theoretical exposition, followed by debate, which is to be nourished by the study of a reading list of articles and essays previously given to the students for preparation. It is possible to have some sessions taught by the students, presentation of work in powerpoint and oral exposition, or critical assessed reading of papers. In every session the students are expected to participate actively in the group debates. Two of the sessions will be exclusively devoted to expose and debate the students essays.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Attendance and Participation(20%), Final critical essay of about 15 pp., to be presented and discussed on a plenary session(50%), Oral presentation using power point(30%)

Subject matter

1. The concept of "private life" in the MIddle Ages;
2. Private life and daily life
3. Main aspects of private life in the Middle Ages: spaces and places; the body; personal piety; memories; the family, feast, solitude / marginality, the woman, the child, sexuality, emotions and material culture..


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