area of specialisation in Cinema and Photography

Education objectives

a) acquire advanced critical knowledge of the fundamental problems of Aesthetics and Artistic Studies: b) acquire advanced understanding of the importance of philosophy and the history of philosophy, of history of art, of communication sciences and of musical arts and musicology for the interpretation and understanding of contemporary issues of art and artistic practices; c) develop, at an advanced level, knowledge and specific skills in one field of Artistic Studies, that is, in the visual arts for the students opting for the Arts and Political Cultures subarea; in cinema or photography for the students opting for the Cinema and Photography subarea; in music for the students opting for the Musical Arts and Musicology subarea.

General characterization

DGES code



Specialization Area



Access to other programs

Access to the cycle of studies which leads to a Doctorate Degree. For the specific access conditions, consult the regulations governing the doctoral programmes at NOVA FCSH.


Maria João Mayer Branco

Opening date





1300 Euros/year or 2700 Euros/year (foreign students)


Presencial Pós-Laboral

Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

The course has three areas of specialisation: Cinema and Photography; Musical Arts and Musicology; Arts and Political Cultures.
Students attend three mandatory course units that are common to all three areas. Each of three areas offers the students the opportunity to develop, at an advanced level, knowledge and specific skills in one field of Artistic Studies and foresee:
- in the 1st semester the accomplishment of two mandatory course units «Aesthetics and Artistic Studies» and «Modernism and Modernisms in 20th century Art» and an elective optional in the area.
- in the 2nd semester the accomplishment of one mandatory course unit «Problems of Contemporary Art», an elective optional in the area and a freely chosen optional available in another study cycle.
- in the 3rd and 4th semesters the writing and deliverance of a master dissertation or a work project or a training report.


- acquire advanced critical knowledge of the fundamental problems of Aesthetics and Artistic Studies:
- acquire advanced understanding of the importance of philosophy and the history of philosophy, of history of art, of communication sciences and of musical arts and musicology for the interpretation and understanding of contemporary issues of art and artistic practices;
- develop, at an advanced level, knowledge and specific skills in one field of Artistic Studies, that is, in the visual arts for the students opting for the Arts and Political Cultures subarea; in cinema or photography for the students opting for the Cinema and Photography subarea; in music for the students opting for the Musical Arts and Musicology subarea.

This path is an option of

Master in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies

Conditions of admittance

Application and access conditions to the cycle of studies reflect the conditions established in the national legislation, namely: - to hold a licenciado degree or legal equivalent; - to hold a foreign academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH; -to hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae recognized by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH. Applicants will be selected and ranked according to the criteria annually defined in the application edict.

Evaluation rules

A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the post-graduate diploma. The final grade of the post-graduate diploma is the average, by credit, of the grades obtained in the course units in which the student obtained the 60 credits from the taught part of the Masters course. A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the Masters degree. The final grade of the Masters degree will be the average of the final grade of the taught part of the course, weighted to 40%, and the grade awarded to the dissertation, project work or practical work experience report, weighted to 60%.


Code Name ECTS
722031091 Aesthetics and Artistic Studies 10.0
722170109 Modernism and Modernisms in 20th century Art 10.0
722031056 Contemporary Art Issues 10.0
conditional options a)
Code Name ECTS
722011046 Documentary 10.0
722031092 Philosophy and Cinema 10.0
722011133 Photography and Cinema 10.0
722011077 Film Direction 10.0
722011114 Contemporary Issues in the Visual Arts 10.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 20
conditional options b)
Code Name ECTS
722031095 Dissertation in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies - Cinema and Photography 60.0
722031097 Internship with report in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies - Cinema and Photography 60.0
722031096 Work Project in Aesthetics and Artistic Studies - Cinema and Photography 60.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 60
Student may choose 10 ECTS in other master programmes of NOVA FCSH, of NOVA University or of another higher education institution with which there is an agreement or student may choose to hold a research seminar in ongoing research projects at NOVA FCSH research units or at another institution with which there is an agreement.