Contemporary Art Issues


— To identify philosophical questions raised by contemporary artistic creation and their articulation with the legacy of the aesthetic and philosophical tradition.
— To develop the capacity of relating the 'art world' with theoretical and extra-artistic problems.
— To develop oral and written articulation of the aesthetic experience of works of art and their relation with philosophical questions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria João Mayer Branco


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language





DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges (2017). História da Arte e Anacronismo das Imagens. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
HICK, Darren (2017). Introducing Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. London: Bloomsbury.
JIMENEZ, Marc (2021). A Querela da Arte Contemporânea. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
KIERAN, Matthew (2006). Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. Malden; Basil Blackwell.
MORIZOT, Baptiste; MENGUAL, Estelle (2018). Esthétique de la rencontre: l'énigme de l'art contemporain. Paris: Seuil.
QUILLIOT, Roland (2014). Philosophie de l'art. Paris: Ellipses.
STALLABRASS, Julian (2020). Contemporary Art: a Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
STILES, Kristine (2012). Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Teaching method

Expository lectures; textual analysis; debate.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Reading portfolio(80%), participation (20%)

Subject matter

The seminar will be dedicated to a reflection on some aspects of the problem of justification of contemporary art, which is generated around questions of identity and difference, raised by the conviction of a paradigmatic rupture in the history of art and by a concomitant feeling of permanent crisis. Using the reading of texts by artists and philosophers, the intersection of historical, aesthetic and critical perspectives, as well as the knowledge and experiences of the participants, an attempt will be made to promote the discussion about this axiological complex, diffuse and omnipresent, with which contemporary art questions and is questioned about its foundation, its meaning and its value.