Strategic Planning


a) To master theorical aspects of strategic spatial planning;
b) To acquire knowledge about legal framework in the field of spatial policy;
c) To acquire knowledge about specific methodology applied to strategic planning: forms of diagnosis, SWOT analysis, structural analysis, building of scenarios and strategic development visions;
d) To understand the advantages of articulation between strategic approach and rationalist approach to territorial planning;
e) To identify problematic situations where strategic planning process is needed;
f) To identify the stakeholders involved and understand relations between them;
g) To understand the importance of public participation and develop methods for its organization;
h) To develop critical thinking about strategic territorial planning;
i) To develop the ability to built up a vision and come up with creative and feasible solutions;
j) To develop the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos Figueira Martins


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Not applicable


Allmendiger, P. e Tewdwr-Jones, M (2005) Planning Futures. Routledge, Londres
Borja, Jordi e Castells, Manuel (1997) Local and Global, Management of Cities in the Information Age. Earthscan, Londres
Bourdin, Alain (2010) O Urbanismo depois da Crise. Livros Horizonte, Lisboa
Fonseca Ferreira, A. (2005) Gestão Estratégica de Cidades e Regiões. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
Guell, J. M. (2006) Planificación Estratégica de Ciudades; Nuevos Instrumentos y Procesos. Editorial Reverté, Barcelona.
Guerra, I. (2000) Planeamento Estratégico das Cidades, Organização do Espaço e Acção Colectiva. Cidades, 1, 37-55.
Pujadas, R. & Font, J. (1998) Ordenación y Planificación Territorial. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid.
Seixas, João (2013) A Cidade na Encruzilhada. Edições Afrontamento, Porto

Teaching method

- Theoretical and expositive classes (debate).
- Discussion of strategic planning documents and academic textes.
- Presentation of best practices in strategic territorial planning.
- Working Groups.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method - 1. Reading of texts and documents, with critical review and presentation with debate in class: 40% of the evaluation (4 scientific texts + 4 documents of strategic planning of cities / territories)(40%), 2. Development and presentation of group work: 60% of the evaluation. Two students for each group (exceptionally three). Each practical work will be centered on a territory and / or sector of the group´s choice. Parallel elaboration of a written essay on the territory and theme of group work. Each assignment should apply the concepts and analysis learned in class.(60%)

Subject matter

1) Strategy and Foresight: their origin and conceptual framework; Vectors of foresight;
2) Criticisms. The application of strategic planning to a territory.
3) Specific methods of strategic planning: building of scenarios, structural and SWOT analysis, the support to decision-making, stakeholders’ strategy. Pros and disadvantages.
4) Methodologies for the development of territorial strategic plans.
5) Analysis of case studies.