Project Work in Territorial Management - Remote Detection and Geographic Information Systems
The Project aims training students for the elaboration of an intervention project in face of a particular issue or problematic crux, applying the set of theoretical-conceptual and methodological instruments acquired throughout the master training. Pursuing that aim, it is intended that students acquire the following competences:
a) Intervention project elaboration skills based on the diagnosis of an issue, problematic crux or situation worthy of intervention;
b) Competences for connecting theory, concepts and concrete situation of a given empirical reality;
c) Diagnosis, plan of action and intervention project elaboration skills;
d)Theoretical-conceptual knowledge implementation skills;
e) Autonomous and scientifically informed decision-making and solution offer competences.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Professor a definir - FCSH #1
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 1540
Teaching language
Bibliografia a indicar em função da natureza do Projeto. Bibliography to be indicated according to the Project.
Teaching method
The teaching methodology consists of: - Individual tutorial guidance, in which the supervisor accompanies all the supervised student´s work stages, providing the adequate guidance.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
In articulation with the supervisor and from an initial work programming, each student must develop the following topics:
1) Identify and select a social issue or problematic situation that requires intervention;
2) Formulate the intervention object in a complex and analytically problematical mode;
3) Select and analyse the relevant bibliography;
4) Elaborate starting questions or work hypotheses;
5) Define the adequate work methodologies;
6) Elaborate the issue or situation´s diagnosis from field work;
7) Design the Plan of action;
8) Design the assessment Plan;
9) Write a Project Work report.
Programs where the course is taught: