Pratical Internship II
LO1. Strengthening experience of practical work in field and laboratory archaeology; LO2. Apply in practical contexts the theoretical skills acquired in the classroom;LO3. Increase methodological skills in field work, specifically in archaeological excavations;LO4. Develop fieldworks of archaeological survey; LO5. Know how to distinguish methodologies and apply different techniques and equipment in archaeological record;LO6. Increase teamwork skills.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Catarina Maria dos Santos Guerra Tente
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
- BANNING, E. B. (2002). Archaeological Survey: Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique. Nova Iorque: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. - BARKER, P. (1986). Understanding Archaeological Excavation. Londres: Batsford. - DAVID, Bruno, THOMAS, Julian, ed. (2008). Handbook of Landscape Archaeology. Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge. - HARRIS, E. C., BROWN, M. R., BROWN, G. J., ed. (1993). Practices in Archaeological Stratigraphy. Elsevier. - ORTON, C.; TYERS, P.; VINCE, A. (1987). Pottery in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - RICE, P. M. (1987). Pottery analysis. A sourcebook. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - ROSKAMS, S. (2001). Excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Teaching method
The contents of the course will be developed in practical classes, taken in field and laboratory environments, which promote direct contact of students with the various contexts and archaeological materials, as well as with the various instruments, techniques and methodologies.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - Once the fieldwork is completed, students will prepare a report of the work carried out, which corresponds to 30% of the final mark. The assessment will be made by the weighted average of the practical work and the report on that work.(30%), The teaching is done through explanations and exemplifications, promoting the interaction between the several participants and the discussion of the works and strategies applied.Students will be assessed on the practical activities in which they participate, according to predefined criteria, which is worth 70% of the final classification.(70%)
Subject matter
1. Fieldwork methodologies: prospection, survey, excavation, and recording;2. Laboratory methodologies: counting methods; relative and absolute dating.3. Drawing and typification of archaeological materials;4. Logistics and preparation of field work.