Physical Geography - Geomorphology


a)To archive knowledge on the different types of Earth surface landforms;
b) To understand the external and internal dynamics of the Planet and its consequences in the landscapes diversity;
c) To know the principles of the functionality of the natural systems;
d) To apply specific methodologies and knowledge, that allows to analyze the topography and to interpret the landforms;
e) To analyze in the field the landforms and the present day processes and their evolution.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria José Leitão Barroso Roxo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language





Chorley, R. J., Schumm, S.A. & Sugden, D.E. (1984). Geomorphology. London: Methuen.

Coque, R.(1977). Geomorphologie. Paris: Armand Colin.

Derruau, M. (1988). Précis de Géomorphologie. Paris: Masson.

Gerrard, A.J. (1988). Rocks and Landforms. London: Unwin Hyman.

Harvey. A (2012). Introducing geomorphology - A guide to landforms and processes. Edinburgh:Dunedin Academic Press.

Lopez-Bermudez, F; Rubio,J.M. & Cuadrat, J. M. (1992). Geografia Física. Madrid: Cátedra.

Strahler, A.N & Strahler, A. (2005). Physical Geography Science and Systems of the Human Environment (3rd ed.). USA: Wiley & Sons.


Teaching method

Theory expositive classes, where the program topics are presented, and analyse with the sudents

Practical classes a set of three exercises using GIS; a) Using topographic maps; b) Exploratory exercises in ArcGIS environment; c) Exercises in ArcGIS environment by using a Digital Terrain Model for Portugal, with 30 meters resolution.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - One written test(60%), Three practical exercises with a report(40%)

Subject matter

1) Introduction.The object of physical geography
2) Concepts and methodologies in Geomorphology
2) The Earth - structure and dynamics - minerals and rocks, the plate tectonics context
3) The genesis of landforms - internal and external processes
4) Earth surface systems and landforms - slope; river; glacier; aeolian and the coastal system
5) The history of the Quaternary.


Programs where the course is taught: