Urban Geography
a) To know the meanings of urban space at various scales;
b) To understand the diversity and evolution of urban spaces (time and space);
c) To analyze the shape and structure of urban space;
d) To analyze cities, networks and urban systems;
e) To understand the processes and mechanisms of urban space construction and reconstruction;
f) To understand and identify elements of the urban landscape
g) To develop critical thinking on indicators of urban reality (population, buildings, accommodations and activities).
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Henrique Pires Soares
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Allain, R. (2004). Morphologie urbaine. Géographie, aménagement et architecture de la ville. Paris: Armand Colin, p 9-92.
Beaujeu-Garnier, J. (1997). Geografia Urbana. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, p.3-86 e 189-209.
Carter, H. (1995).The study of urban geography (4th ed.). Londres. (El Estudio da la Geografia Urbana, 1987, 2ª ed. castelhana. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios de Administración Local). p 37-196.
Goitia, F. C. (2008). Breve história do urbanismo (9ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Presença, p 22-114.
Moita, I. (coord.) (1994). O Livro de Lisboa. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, p 405-493.
Salgueiro, T. B. (1992). A cidade em Portugal: uma geografia urbana. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, p 147-24.
Teaching method
Expositive and participative classes (50% of teaching time).
The lectures are heavily illustrated with examples where it seeks to present the various aspects that are common to all cities along the natural specificity of each city.
Practical classes, group work (50% of teaching time). The practical work focuses on the analysis of a parish of Lisbon, and uses the information from the "Reference Geographical Database Information" of 2011. Also includes a field trip to the center of Lisbon.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Method - attendance and participation (10%), practical work(40%), written test(50%)
Subject matter
1) The Urban Geography: evolution and trends
2) The concept of city: criteria for its definition
3) Urbanization processes
4) The time and society in building the city
5) Organization and spatial differentiation
6) Changes of the contemporary city
7) Lisbon and its metropolitan area.