Thematic Cartography


a) Acquire knowledge of graphic semiology;
b) Know the methods and know how to apply cartography techniques;
c) Equate representation problems at different scales and in different
environments: analog and digital;
d) Design and represent maps;
e) Test different forms of representation;

f) Develop a critical spirit towards the graphic image.cher pelo docente

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Henrique Pires Soares


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





BÉGUIN, Michèle and PUMAIN, Denise, La Réprésentation des Donnés
Géographiques. Statistique et Cartographie. Paris, Armand Colin, 4e édicion,
2017, pp. 40 – 68.
BLIN, Éric and BORD, Jean-Paul, Initiation Géo-graphique ou Comment
Visualiser son Information, Paris, SEDES, 2016 (Kindle Edition), pp. 43 – 60.
ESRI Press, Cartography, 2018.
KRAAK, M, ORMELING, F. Cartography: Visualization of Geospatial Data, CRC
Press 4th Edition, 2020.
ZANIN, Christine and TREMELO, Marie-Laure, Savoir Faire une Carte, Paris,
Belin, 2003,pp. 3 – 16.

Teaching method

Expository and participatory classes (50% of teaching time) profusely illustrated
with examples of maps. These are interpreted exhaustively to identify both their

communicational value and their shortcomings.
Practical classes, group work (50% of teaching time). Here, the aim is to create
an environment for carrying out practical work and reflection where students
can make decisions about the various forms of building their maps. They learn
by doing.
The practical work consists in the elaboration of several maps, testing different
graphic solutions in view of the representation objective. All maps are built using
cartographic software (ArcGIS).

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Reading of a set of texts, which will be evaluated through a test(60%), Set of maps developed based on graphic semiology rules, in ArcGis, a Geographic Information Systems software(40%)

Subject matter

1) What is read, what is seen and what can be observed on a map
2) Theoretical and practical principles of the construction of cartographic images
3) Practice in designing and carrying out cartography
4) Everything a map has to have
5) The map as a means of scientific investigation
6) Visualization and critical analysis of maps.


Programs where the course is taught: