Regional and Urban Planning


a) To know the conceptual basis of territorial planning;
b) To identify the major landmarks of the evolution of urban and regional planning;
c) To understand the evolution of the legal framework of territorial planning in Portugal;
d) To apply the concepts to case studies on urban and regional scales;
e) To develop an analysis and diagnosis at the urban scale;
f) To develop a socio-economic characterization of a territory on a regional scale;
g) To identify the goals of the planning process at different scales;
h) To collect, organize, process and interpret statistical information and mapping for a given scale of analysis;
i) To acquire the ability to work in group and present and defend their work.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos Ferreira de Seixas


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Alves, R. A. (2007). Políticas de Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território. Lisboa: FCG, 33-48
Ascher, F. (2010). Novos princípios do Urbanismo seguido de Novos Compromissos Urbanos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
CEMAT (2011) Glossário do Desenvolvimento Territorial, Lisboa: DGOTDU.
Fernandes, J.A. et al. (Org.) (2016). Dicionário de Geografia Aplicada Rio de Janeiro / Porto: Porto Editora.
Ferrão, João (2011) O Ordenamento do Território como Política Pública Lisboa: FCG
Governo de Portugal (2015) Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial
Governo de Portugal (2018/2019) PNPOT
Hall, Peter (2002). Urban and Regional Planning. Londres:Routledge
Oliveira, F. P. (2011). Estudo da Articulação da Lei dos Solos com o Sistema de Gestão Territorial
Pardal, Sidónio et. al. (2000) “O conceito de planeamento”, in Normas Urbanísticas, Planeamento Integrado do Território
Pujadas, R.& Font, J. (1998). Ordenación y Planificacion Territorial Madrid: Sintesis


Teaching method

Lectures - expository and participatory. In the first class the objectives and UC content are presented as well as the elements of evaluation and its weight in the final grade.
Practical lessons - In the first class the case study is presented as well as the content of practical work to be done.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Attendance and active participation in practical classes (5%), Full test - written test of mandatory attendance, covering all contents(50%), Practical work - group, with written report and mandatory oral presentation, supported by literature, statistics and field work(45%)

Subject matter

1) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK - Territory and territorial dynamics. Territorial Planning: Concept, objectives, intervention scales. Planning as a process. Cyclical character of planning. Limitations of the rationalist view of planning in unstable contexts. Introduction to the concepts of resilience, adaptability and flexibility in the process. Physical and strategic planning. Public participation in the planning process. Planning actors. Government territorial governance.
2) EVOLUTION OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING. Urban planning: from the sanitary engineers to the Sustainable City. Regional planning: the growth poles of competitiveness and territorial cohesion.
3) TERRITORIAL PLANNING IN PORTUGAL. Division of powers between the central, regional and municipal levels. The land management system. Territorial management instruments: problems, setting goals and formulating solutions.


Programs where the course is taught: