Population Geography
a) To understand and apply concepts in population geography;
b) To know the main sources, analysis methods and forms of representation of demographic phenomena;
c) To collect, process and analyze information from various sources;
d) To understand the population dynamics, its structure and explanatory factors;
e) To reflect on the problems currently affecting population at different scales;
f) To know the major population theories and the relationship between population growth and development;
g) To apply acquired knowledge by solving exercises.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Dulce de Oliveira Pimentel Antunes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable
Bailey, A. (2005). Making Population Geography. Hodder Arnold Publ.
Dumont, G.-F. (2018). Geógraphie des Populations: Concepts, dynamiques, prospectives. Armand Colin.
Nazareth, J. M. (2007). Demografia, a Ciência da População (2ª ed.). Ed. Presença.
Newbold, K. B. (2017). Population Geography: tools and issues (3rd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Noin, D. (2005). Géographie de la Population (7ª ed.). Armand Colin.
Pison, G. (2019). Atlas de la population mondiale: Croissance démographique, vieillissement et migrations : trois grands défis pour l'humanité. Autrement.
Week, J. R. (2015). Population: an introduction to concepts and issues (12th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.
Teaching method
Lectures and practical classes. Student participation is encouraged in the lectures and the importance of literature review is reinforced. In practical classes, students´ work focuses on problem solving and interpretation of results, as well as a group assignment with a final oral presentation and result discussion.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - Practical test(20%), two practical group work (10% and 35%)(45%), written test(35%)
Subject matter
1) Population Geography: i) object, goals and methods; ii) geography epistemology and population issues; iii) data sources
2) Population dynamics: i) the components of population growth; ii) the demographic transition
3) Structures: i) by age and sex; ii) socio-economic; iii) contrasts worldwide, analysis methods and recent developments
4) Population spatial mobility: i) definitions and typologies; ii) the diversity of movements; iii) theories and models of spatial mobility
5) Population policies and planning: i) definitions, types and issues; ii) demographic "explosion" and anti-natalist policies; iii) aging population and pro-natalist policies; iv) population redistribution policies; v) migration policies
6) Population projections at different scales.