Climatology of Tropical Regions


a) To know the causes of the high temperatures that characterize the tropical climates;
b) To know the mechanisms of precipitation in the tropical climates;
c) To understand the atmospheric circulation of the tropical world;
d) To identify the main constraints and potentialities of the tropical climates;
e) To explain the characteristics of the different tropical climates.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Eduardo Silvério Ventura


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Ayoade, J. O. (2004). Introdução à Climatologia para os Trópicos (10th ed.). São Paulo: Bertrand Brasil, 332p.

Cuadrat, J. Mª. & Pita, Mª. F. (2014). Climatología (7th ed.). Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. p. 343-386.

Gil Olcina, A.; Olcina Cantos, J. (1999). Climatología Básica (3rd ed.). Barcelona: Ariel Geografia. p. 280-362.

McGregory, G. R. & Nieuwolt, S. (1998). Tropical Climatologie (2nd ed.). Chicester: Wiley
p. 29-283.

Teaching method

- Lectures with presentation of the topics of the program for teaching and discussion with students.
- Practical classes with carrying out work which show the main characteristics and problems of the world tropical climates.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - Attendance(5%), - Practical work in class; - Elaboration of a written group work, with oral presentation (10%+35%);(45%), - Reading of a set of selected texts whose contents will be assessed by a written test;- Oral presentation of an individual research within the UC programme (35%+15%);(50%)

Subject matter

1) Energy budgets and temperatures in the tropical regions
2) Main characteristics of the tropical atmospheric circulation: high subtropical pressures, trade winds and inter tropical convergence
3) The genesis of the tropical disturbances
4) Circulations patterns in the monsoon climates
5) The ENSO events and its feedbacks
6) The tropical cyclones: causes, dynamics and consequences
7) The different pluviometric rhythms and its causes
8) The drought problem and its consequences
9) The tropical climates mosaic.



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