Land and Development Seminar


a) To transmit a set of knowledge connected with territorial development;
b) To evaluate the role of geographical concentration in economic growth and development;
c) To discuss innovation and territorial development policies at different geographical scales;
d) To analyse regional and local development experiences in Europe and Portugal;
e) To enforce the acquired knowledge in the implementation of local/regional development research projects.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Regina Faia Martins Salvador


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 336

Teaching language





Blakely, E.J. & Bradshaw, T. (2002). Planning Local Economic Development. Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications.

McCann, P. (2015).The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union. London: Edward-Elgar.

OECD (2008). Portugal Territorial Review, Paris: OECD.

Pike, A., Rodriguez, A., Tomaney, J.(ed.) (2015). Local and Regional Development (Critical Concepts in Geography). London: Routledege.

Storper, M. (2013). Keys to the City. How Economics, Social Interaction and Politics shape Development. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Teaching method

Expositive and participative teaching; discussion of case-studies; field work.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Method - Written project report with oral presentation,followed by open discussion (40%), Written test(60%)

Subject matter

1) Regional and local development paradigms
2) Geographical concentration, industrial districts and clusters
3) Territorial resilience, competitiveness and planning
4) Innovation policies. Innovation local systems
5) The EU Cohesion Policy. Other EU policies with territorial impact
6) Development problems in specific territories (urban centres; urban peripheries; rural areas; mountain regions; frontier and island regions).


Programs where the course is taught: