Services and Territory


a)To recognize the importance of services in modern societies;
b)To understand the characteristics and the role of service activities in societies with different levels of development;
c)To discuss the theories and models of location of retailing and service activities;
d)To recognize strategies for linking services and other economic activities;
e)To analyze the importance of organizational and technological innovation in services;
f)To develop critical thinking about the servindustrial society;
g)To discuss the concept of public services , their evolution and modes of organization;
h)To analyze the evolution of services in Portugal;
i)To develop technical reports on service activities in a geographic perspective;
j)To apply the acquired knowledge to practical situations, mainly in planning and location studies of service sector.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Afonso Teixeira


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Arundel,A.;Bloch, C.;Ferguson, B. (2019). Advancing innovation in the public sector: Aligning innovation measurement with policy goals. Research Policy, vol. 48 (3), pp. 789-798.
Desmarchelie, B. (2018). Service Economies and Complexity. Handbook of Service Science, Vol. II.
Dicken, P. (2015). Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy (7th ed.). New York: The Guilford Press. [Na FCSH, cota G1819)].
Ferrão, J. (1992). Serviços e Inovação. Novos Caminhos para o desenvolvimento Regional. Oeiras: Celta Editora, pp. 1-17.
Osborn, S.; Nasi, G.; Powell, M. (2021). Beyond co-production: Value creation and public services. Public Administration, 2021;1–17.
Rubalcaba,L. (2007). The New Service Economy. Cheltenham e Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 3-166.
Tomé, Ricardo J. A. (2015). Serviços Públicos em diferentes contextos territoriais: (re)organização das relações com os sistemas urbanos. Lisboa: Univ. Nova de Lisboa. FCSH/DGPR.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical classes: extensive explanation of program topics; analysis and discussion of textbooks´ chapters and papers. Development, presentation and discussion of practical works.

[According to the assessment of FCSH rules, the proposed evaluation elements introduced to students in the first class may suffer readjustments, namely in the weight of each element].


Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - 1) Written test about a set of selected texts (35%), 2) Theoretical and practical work (about 20 pages.), with oral presentation (45%), 3) Short essay on a theme of the program and Presence in the classes and participation [15%+5%](20%)

Subject matter

1) Conceptual and methodological issues: An analytical framework for services
2) Services in the World: a new geography of services
3) The location of commerce and services at different scales: from theory to practice
3.1. The theory of central places
3.2. Territories and territorialization of commerce and services
4) Services in the global economy
4.1. Services, competitiveness and globalization
4.2.Globalization of services and offshoring
4.3. The centrality of advanced business services in the globalization process
4.4. The role of logistics and distribution services in supply-demand articulation
5) The Public Sector of Services: importance, reform, innovation and location
6) The geography of services in Portugal
6.1. Importance and growth of services.
6.2. Administrative reform and restructuring of public services.
6.3. Development, organization and localization of some branches of services


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