History of Modern Portugal (17th-18th Century)


Upon the successful conclusion of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to:
(a) Understand the History of Modern Portugal after the Restoration, taking into account its insertion in the European space and its overseas imperial dimension.
b) Identify the main political, economic, social and cultural processes that took place in Portugal in the 17th and 18th centuries.
c) Know the main historiographical interpretations of the themes and problems studied.
d) Know the fundamental bibliography and be able to work with historical documents of the period.
e) Develop oral and written communication skills, integrating vocabulary and relevant categories and concepts.
f) Acquire knowledge which will enable the student to further studies of the History of Portugal in the Modern Period.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Jorge Miguel de Melo Viana Pedreira


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





Costa, Leonor Freire (2011); Lains (Pedro) & Miranda, Susana Münch, História Económica de Portugal, 1143-2010, Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.
COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira (2014) Rodrigues, José Damião & Oliveira, Pedro Aires, História da Expansão e do império português, Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.
Godinho (1975), Vitorino Magalhães. Estrutura da antiga sociedade portuguesa. Lisboa: Arcádia, (nova ed. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2019).
Mattoso, José (dir.) (1993). História de Portugal Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, vol. III, No Alvorecer da Modernidade, coord. Joaquim Romero Magalhães e vol. IV, O Antigo Regime, coord. António Manuel Hespanha.
PAIVA (2013) José Pedro & Marcocci, Giuseppe, História da Inquisição Portuguesa, 1536-1821, Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.
Ramos, Rui (2009); Sousa, Bernardo Vasconcelos & Monteiro, Nuno G. História de Portugal, Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.

Teaching method

An orientation will be followed that reconciles and articulates the narrative of major events, with the analysis of demographic and economic structures and social, political and cultural configurations.Teaching and learning will be organized in theoretical-practical classes based on lectures, the discussion of texts and documents and the and analysis of sources.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methodologies - 1. A final test (70%), 2. Two written assignments (5 pages each) consisting of the reply to one question (to choose among the presented) based on the bibliography indicated. These assignments will be presented at the end of Parts II and IV(30%)

Subject matter

The syllabus will be organized under the following the main chapters:
0. Introduction. The land and the people. A rural society. The background of the Restoration
1. The Restoration and John IV. The conspiracy. The Cortes. Diplomacy and war.
2. The Aristocratic Monarchy (Afonso VI and Pedro II). The succession. The government of the councils. The construction of the aristocracy. Society and blood purity. Culture, literature and art. Politics and diplomacy.
3. The Baroque Monarchy (D. João V). The gold of Brazil. The Church. Baroque and classicism. The king's government and absolutism.
4. The time of Pombal. The earthquake. The making of Pombal's power.The Pombaline reforms.
5. From the "viradeira" to the collapse of the empire. Under the Sign of the French Revolution.The War. The withdrawal of the court to Brazil.


Programs where the course is taught: