Medieval History (12th-15th Century)
a) To acquire knowledge about historiography and the main trends in current research about the period under study.
b) To develop the ability to understand the main events and processes that characterize the period and historical spaces studied.
c) To become familiarised with the methodologies for analyzing historical sources.
d) To develop oral and written skills, integrating vocabulary and specific categories from the medieval period.
e) Develop a reflective and critical attitude.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Luís Inglês Fontes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable
- BARTLETT, Robert, The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change (959-1350), Penguin Books,1994
- BALARD, Michel, GENET, Jean-Philippe e ROUCHE Michel, A Idade Média no Ocidente. Dos Bárbaros ao Renascimento, Lisboa, Publ. D. Quixote, 1994
- BLOCKMANS, Wim, HOPPENBROUWERS, Peter. Introduction to Medieval Europe (300-1500), 3rd edition, London & New York, Routledge, 2018
- CLARAMUNT, S., PORTELA, E., GONZÁLEZ, M & MITRE, E, Historia de la Edad Media, 2ª ed, 5ª reimpr., Barcelona, Ariel, 2003
-JORDAN, William Chester, Europe in the High Middle Ages, The Penguin History of Europe, London, Penguin Books, 2001
- LINEHAN, Peter, NELSON, Janet, COSTAMBEYS, Marios,(ed.), The medieval World, 2nd ed., London, Routledge, 2018
-POWER, Daniel, The Central Middle Ages, Col. Short History of Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006
-WHICKAM. Chris, Medieval Europe, from the breakup of the Roman Empire to the Reformation, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 2017
Teaching method
Teaching method: Theoretical (60%) and practical (40%) classes.
Two practical assignments: one group essay, to be presented orally in class, aiming at developping in the students the capacity for oral presentation; the other, to be delivered in writting, for the assessment of the student's written expression skills.
The assignments may vary between commentary of historiographical texts, or of historical documents, the ennunciation of a research questionnaire on a theme, a critical bibliography, a critical commentary on a film, the preparation of an article/power point for oral presentation, a wiki or any other work that implies critical approaches as well as personal and group research work / development of written and oral presentation skills.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Methodologies - 2 written works(60%), Written test with consultation(40%)
Subject matter
Module 1. The Central Centuries of the Middle Ages: the “Long 12th century” and the “Revolutionary 13th century”
1. Why would the 12th and 13th centuries be “long” and “revolutionary”?
2. The Medieval University
3. The Crusades and the Christian States of Jerusalem
4. Institutionalization of powers
5. New pacts: 1212-1215 and the Medieval West
6. Christianity and the 12th and 13th centuries.
7. Papacy in the 12th and 13th centuries
8. Economy and Trade
9. Art and Literature
Module 2. The 14th Century. Crisis(s) and resilience.
1. "Crisis", which "Crisis"? How many crises?
2. The Hundred Years War
3. The Black Death, Hunger and Fear
4. The economy: from the countryside to the city
5. Resistance.
6. Possibilities