History of Ancient Greece


Identification of the main historical and geographical evolutions of the Greek world
Understanding of the social, political, religious and economic segments between the the Late Bronze Age and Classical Period in the Greek area
Understanding of the Hellenistic changes in the Greek world
Understanding of operating concepts related to the mythical and rational thinking

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Leonor Santa Bárbara de Carvalho


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





FERREIRA, J. R. (1990) - A democracia na Grécia Antiga. Coimbra: Minerva.
FERREIRA, J. R. (1996) - Civilizações Clássicas. I (Grécia). Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
FINLEY. M. I., 1970 [1990] – Grécia Primitiva: Idade do Bronze e Idade Arcaica. São Paulo: Martins Fontes
JAEGER, W. (1957[1993]) – Paideia: los ideales de la cultura griega. Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
PETIT, P., 1976 – O mundo antigo. Lisboa: Edições Ática.
ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H. (1988) – Estudos de História da cultura clássica. I (Cultura grega). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


Teaching method

Theoretical classes; pratical classes focused on texts discussion; classes with invited specialists on the research field. 

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Geography and genesis of the Greek world
Mythical and rational thinking
Bronze Age
Minoan civilization
Micenic civilization
The Archaic period
Homer and Hesiod
Emergence and evolution of the Polis. The colonial diapora
Emergence and evolution of the Polis. The religion
The Classical period
The fifth century BC. Athens
The fifth century BC. The Peloponnesian War
The fourth century BC. Political and ecomical changes
The Hellenistic period
Macedonic diapora. The Hellenistic monarchies
The Hellenistic society and its Epyptian heritage



Programs where the course is taught: