Social Stratification and Mobility
1. Knowledge and understanding of the main conceptual perpectives on the structure of social inequality;
2. Ability to translate conceptual perspectives into empirical tools for the analysis of social structure;
3. Knowldege and understanding of the trends for social structural change in contemporary societies;
4. Knowledge and ability to use analytical methods to study social mobility and its change;
5. Skills to design empirical work on social stratification and mobility, in the context of either basic research or of support to policy design and implementation;
6. Ability to present and communicate sociological knowledge, analytical results and problems in a meaningful and accurate way.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro Lopes de Oliveira Silva Nunes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Atkinson, W. (2015) Class. Polity
Bourdieu, P. (2006 [1979]). Distinção. Crítica Social do Julgamento. Zouk;
Crompton, R. ([2008] 1998) Class and Stratification: an introduction to current debates. Polity
Estanque, E. (2015). A Classe Média: Ascensão e Declínio. FFMS;
Estanque, E. e J.M. Mendes (1997). Classes e Desigualdades Sociais em Portugal: Afrontamento
Goldthorpe, J.H. (1987). Social structure and social mobility in modern Britain: Clarendon;
Hammett, C. (1989). Restructuring Britain: The changing social structure.: Sage.
Grurski, D. e Weisshaar, K. (2014) (eds.) Social Stratification: Class, Race and Gender in Sociological Perspective, Westview Press.
Ramos, V. (2014). Que trajetórias de classe? Uma análise da mobilidade social em duas gerações de portugueses. Análise Social, 212.
Savage, Mike (2015) Social Class in the 21st Century. Penguin
Teaching method
Aulas teóricas (50%).
Aulas práticas (50%): apresentação pelos alunos e discussão em aula de textos com exemplos de análise empírica de estratificação e da mobilidade social, e de exercícios de aplicação de grelhas de classificação a conjuntos de dados para análise empírica da estratificação e da mobilidade social.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - One individual test written in class (60%), One written term paper (25%), Oral presentation of one text in class(15%)
Subject matter
1. First theoretical approaches to social structure: K. Marx, M. Weber and J. Shumpeter 2. Functionalist perspectives: T. Parsons, K. Davies and W. Moore 3. Operationalizations for the empirical apprehension of social structure: E. O. Wright, J. Goldthorpe, ACM Grid, P. Bourdieu and M. Savage (BSC Survey) 4. Lines of force of the evolution of social structure 4.1. Theoretical debates and empirical analysis 4.2. The portuguese case in european context; 5. class classification grids and their application 6. social mobility: basic notions 7. the empirical analysis of mobility: through the intergenerational mobility table or according to the factors of individual itineraries 8. the evolution of mobility in our societies and its structural factors 9. structural mobility and net mobility
Programs where the course is taught: