Sociology of Territory
1. Knowledge and understanding of the sociological frameworks for considering territorial change;
2. Ability to analyse processes of territorial change, decomposing their actor systems, the interests at stake and the social practices in their relations with the forms of use and with the occupation of territories;
3. Ability to communicate sociological knowledge about the theme in an accurate and meaningful way;
4. Ability to carry out informed and critical intervention to monitor the implementation of territorial policies and programs.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro Lopes de Oliveira Silva Nunes
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
Andrade, L et al (2009) Espaços públicos: Novas sociabilidades, novos controles. Cadernos Metrópole, 21, pp. 131153
Bourdieu, P (dir) (1993) La misère du monde. Gallimard, pp. 249-262
Giddens, A (2003) A constituição da sociedade. M. Fontes
Halbwachs, M (2010) Morfologia social. Edições 70
Hall, E (1986) A dimensão oculta. Relógio dÁgua
Lefebvre, H (2012) O direito à cidade. Estudio
McKenzie, R (1984) The ecological approach to the study of the human community. In The city. The University of Chicago Press
Newby, H (1980) Community. The Open University Press
Rémy, J & Voyé, L (1997) A cidade: Rumo a uma nova definição. Afrontamento.
Simmel, G (1950) The Stranger. In The Sociology of G. Simmel. Free Press, pp. 402-408.
Valdiviesso, R. (2006) Contribuição para o conhecimento da territorialidade humana: o graffiti e o espaço territorial urbano, MsC Thesis, FCiências da UPorto
Teaching method
Teaching method
Lectures (50%);
Practical classes (50%): exploration of documents; paper presentations and discussion of the themes proposed by teachers.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Método de avaliação - Written paper based on the reading of a scientific article and its presentation to class; discussion of the paper (40%), Written test in class(60%)
Subject matter
Thematic block 1. Territory in a sociological perspective (theoretical component)
1. Georg Simmel's approach
2. The Social Morphology approach
3. The Human Ecology approach
4. The notions of " interaction and self territories”
5. Territoriality as a sociological dimension
6. Proxemics and modes of regionalization as concepts
7. Physical space, social space and symbolic domination: the contribution of Pierre Bourdieu
Thematic Block 2. The diversity of territorial dynamics (Theoretical component)
1. New forms of opposition city-countryside
2. Community and territory
3. Territorialities, belonging and appropriations
4. Public and private territories
Thematic Block 3. The question of territory in contemporary Portuguese sociology
Programs where the course is taught: