Bachelor in Anthropology
Education objectives
1) To develop the ability to analyze and synthesize information and to develop critical thinking skills; 2) To develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge to practical situations; 3) To stimulate an understanding of human diversity and of the interconnections between different aspects of social and cultural life, belief systems, global dynamics, individual behaviors and physical environment; 4) To develop the ability to recognize and critically reflect on the important problems of the contemporary world; 5) To provide a theoretical grounding in anthropology in its multiple social, cultural and biological dimensions; 6) To become aware of the importance of ethnographic method to understand cultures and human groups, and to acquire the necessary techniques to employ it; 7) To develop knowledge of the cultural values of societies from different areas of the world through the study of a variety of rural and urban ethnographic contexts (Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe, with a particular emphasis on Portugal) as well as to raise awareness of the ethical issues involved in the study and representation of other social worlds; 8) To learn about methodological and research instruments which allow for different professional frameworks; 9) To develop the ability to participate professionally and for civic purposes with arguments supported by ethical and scientific principles in different areas of social intervention; 10) To acquire know-how applicable to the fields of material culture, patrimony and museology, and ethnographic films.
General characterization
DGES code
Bachelor (1st Cycle)
Access to other programs
Completion of the Licenciatura (1st cycle) degree allows the holder to apply for Masters programmes (2nd Cycle), or other post-graduate courses including those which do not confer a degree.
Tânia Minhós Condeço Rodrigues
Opening date
Available soon
697 Euros/year or 3500 Euros/year (foreign students)
Teaching language
Portuguese language
Degree pre-requisites
Each student must obtain 180 credits: 126 credits from compulsory courses of the study programme, 24 credits from restricted options and 30 credits from free options or a Minor from another academic area. Each semester the student may not enrol in more than 30 credits and must respect any pre-requisites which have been set. At the beginning of each semester, the student is advised as to which courses are the most appropriate for their academic pathway and which they should take.
Legal framework/Study programme - Declaração de retificação n.º 1111/2016 - DR, 2ª série, N.º 220 — 16 de novembro de 2016.
The degree of licenciado corresponds to the level 6 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.
Conditions of admittance
Students may be admitted to Higher Education through the National Competition for Access to Higher Education, special competitions/regimes and entry systems, re-enrolment systems, course changes and transfers. To apply for access to higher education through the National Competition, students must fulfill the requirements described in DGES/Access to Higher Education. More info at For more information about International Students please visit
Evaluation rules
Students at FCSH are evaluated based on the work developed over a semester, based on class participation, presentation of written and oral tests and examinations. The result obtained either by continuous assessment or evaluation of the tests is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20. To be approved, students must have at least 10 points to pass, however, who fail have a second chance to repeat the exams. Repeat exam: Has access any student of 1st or 2nd cycle who has obtained the minimum grade of eight values per rounding in the final grade of the curricular unit SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION: - Worker-Student - Students with the status of top athletes - Mothers and fathers students - Associative leaders - Military - Other special arrangements provided legally. Students with special needs can benefit from teaching and learning conditions to meet their needs.
Conditional option (a). Students must complete 2 curricular units of this set. | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
01106294 | Arab and Islamic Ethnographic Contexts | 6.0 |
01106305 | Asian Ethnographic Contexts | 6.0 |
01106327 | Latin American Ethnographic Contexts | 6.0 |
01106338 | North American Ethnographic Contexts | 6.0 | Mandatory ECTS number: 12 |
Conditional option (b). Students must complete 2 curricular units of this set. | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
711001065 | Cognitive Anthropology | 6.0 |
01105765 | Antropologia da Moda e do Vestir | 6.0 |
01105699 | Antropologia do Antropoceno | 6.0 |
01105702 | Contextos de Estudo de Osteologia Humana | 6.0 |
711001063 | Ethnoecology | 6.0 | Mandatory ECTS number: 12 |
Obrigatórias | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
711001059 | Anthropology of Religion | 6.0 |
01105724 | Antropologia das Cidades | 6.0 |
711001064 | Kinship and Gender Anthropology | 6.0 |
01101431 | Symbolic Anthropology | 6.0 |
01101442 | Economic Anthropology | 6.0 |
711001049 | Anthropology and Heritage | 6.0 |
01101357 | Political Anthropology | 6.0 |
01101458 | Contemporary Portuguese Anthropology | 6.0 |
01101475 | Visual Anthropology | 6.0 |
01100296 | Biology and Culture | 6.0 |
01101617 | Ethology | 6.0 |
01105688 | Evolução Humana | 6.0 |
01105730 | História da Antropologia Clássica | 6.0 |
01101497 | History of Portuguese Anthropology | 6.0 |
711001067 | Anthropology Laboratory | 6.0 |
01105741 | Leituras de Textos Etnográficos | 6.0 |
711001048 | Ethnographic Methods | 6.0 |
01102075 | Research Methodology | 6.0 |
01105713 | Métodos Quantitativos em Antropologia | 6.0 |
01105759 | Problemáticas Contemporâneas da Antropologia | 6.0 |
01101538 | Socio-Anthropological Theories | 6.0 |