Curatorial Practices


Acquire training in the field of art curatorship and understand the nature of curatorial work, understood as a practice of investigation, design and organization of exhibitions and cultural events;
- Develop the ability to interpret and reflect on curatorial practices, from a historical and theoretical perspective;
- Identify and understand the main texts and the fundamental practices of their exercise, with knowledge of different approaches and possibilities of intervention in the fields of curation;
- Know how to distinguish the main models of curatorship and develop an informed and critical stance on contemporary themes and research lines.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Pinheiro Pedro Anacleto


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


ALTSHULER, Bruce (2013). Biennials and Beyond – Exhibitions That Made Art History 1962-2002. London: Phaidon.
GLICENSTEIN, Jérôme (2012). L’Art: Une Histoire d’Expositions. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
MARICOLA, Paula (ed.) (2006). What Makes A Great Exhibition?. London: Reaktion Books.
MARTINON, Jean Paul, et al. (2013). The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating. Londres: Blumsbury.
OBRIST, Hans Ulrich (2008). A Brief History of Curating. Geneva: JRP Ringier & Les Presses du réel.
O'NEILL, Paul (2011). Curating Subjects, 2a ed. London: Open; Amsterdam: De Appel.
STANIZEWSKI, Mary Anne (1998). The Power of Display: A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
THEA, Carolee & MICHELLI, Thomas (ed.) (2009). On Curating : Interviews with Ten International Curators. New York: DAP.

Teaching method

Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes with debates on topics, authors and texts covered. Presentation of case studies and visits to exhibitions and art centers.

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - Preparation of a final report / project (60%), and qualitative assessment of class participation (40%)

Subject matter

1. The figure of the curator and framing the field of curatorship in the midst of contemporary arts
2. Curatorial studies and curatorial history: authors and fundamental texts
3. Theoretical and practical action of the curator: as author and organizer of exhibitions
4. Research work in the fields of art history and curation
5. Contemporary curatorship: exhibition models
6. The challenge and potential of expanded curating practices and forms
7. Curatoeship in Architecture


Programs where the course is taught: