Topics in Teaching Portuguese as a Second Language


In the end, students should be able to:

  • To explore questions which are relevant in the teaching of Portuguese as a second/foreign language;

  • To develop autonomous research skills directed towards the resolution of problems in specific learning contexts.

Knowledge and skills to be acquired:

  • Knowledge of main concepts and questions in the teaching of a second/foreign language;

  • Knowledge of documents and instruments for teaching (Portuguese as) a second/foreign language;

  • Kowledge of assessment practices;

  • Ability to create assessment instruments for Portuguese as a second/foreign language tailored to learners´ profiles;

  • Ability to recognise the roles which communication and information technologies may play in teaching Portuguese as a second/foreign language;

  • Ability to identify suitable procedures to teach Portuguese for specific purposes;

  • Ability to reflect critically on ones own teaching practices;

  • Ability to develop action-research projects.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Lavadinho Madeira


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Burns, A. (2010) Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners. Routledge.
Conselho da Europa (2001) Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas – Aprendizagem, Ensino, Avaliação. ASA.
Hughes, A. (2003) Testing for Language Teachers, 2nd Edition. CUP.
Mateus, M. H. M., D. Pereira e Fischer, G. (orgs.) (2008) Diversidade Linguística na Escola Portuguesa. FCG.
Mateus, M.H.M. e L. Solla (orgs.) (2013) O Ensino do Português como Língua Não Materna: Estratégias, Materiais e Formação. Lisboa: ILTEC/FCG.
Ministério da Educação (2005) Quadro de Referência para o Ensino do Português no Estrangeiro (QuaREPE). Lisboa: DGIDC/GAERI.
Otwinowska, A. and G. de Angelis (eds.) (2014) Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts: Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives. Multilingual Matters.
Tripp, D. (2005) Pesquisa-ação: uma introdução metodológica. Educação e Pesquisa 31, 3, São Paulo, 443-466.
Wallace, M. (1998) Action Research for Language Teachers. CUP

Teaching method

The seminar is structured in modules. Each module is organised as follows: video lessons and other video resources, presenting the contents of the syllabus; different resources (summaries, schemata, tables, images, etc.); bibliographic references and links to online references. All resources and interaction with the students will be predominantly moodle-based.
E-learning course.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - (a) Participation in online sessions and discussion forums(10%), (b) Individual or collaborative assignments, which are to be completed throughout the semester(50%), (c) Design of an action-research project(40%)

Subject matter

1. Guidelines and instruments for the teaching/learning of (Portuguese as) a second/foreign language
2. Teaching Portuguese in different learning contexts: Portuguese as a second language, as a foreign language and as a heritage language
3. The teaching/learning of Portuguese as the language of schooling
4. Assessment practices in Portuguese as a second/foreign language
5. The development of action-research projects in the domain of Portuguese as a second/foreign language


Programs where the course is taught: