Supervised Teaching Practice in Geography Teaching


a) To demonstrate deontological sense of responsibility, participating in a rigorous, critical and attentive in the core activities of Supervised Teaching Practice, school activities and proposals with all the different interlocutors.
b) To apply scientific, pedagogical, didactic and methodological knowledge when defining, managing and evaluating curricular guidelines and extra-curricular activities and pedagogical practices in specific teaching of history and geography.
c) To plan respecting scientific knowledge, curriculum guidelines, the stages of development of the students.
d) Select diversified resources, relevant and appropriate, independently.
e) To promote the development of innovative pedagogical and methodological practices, managing to create and explore significant situations.
f) To contribute to the promotion and integrative practices valuing different knowledge and cultures.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José Afonso Teixeira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 1260

Teaching language





BARCA, Isabel (Org.) (2011). Educação e consciência histórica na era da
globalização. Braga: Univ. Minho/IE.
Walkington,Helen;Hill, Jennifer; Dyer, Sarah (ed.)(2019) Handbook for Teaching
and Learning in Geography.Edward Elgar Publishing.
GÂMBOA, Rosário (2004). Educação, ética e democracia. A reconstrução da
modernidade em John Dewey. Lisboa: Edições ASA.
NÓVOA, António (2009). Professores. Imagens do futuro presente. Lisboa:
NÓVOA, António; ALVIM, Yara (2020). Nothing is new, but everything has
changed: A viewpoint on the future school. Disponível em:
PERRENOUD, Philippe (2002). Aprender a negociar a mudança em educação.
Novas estratégias de inovação. Lisboa: Edições ASA.SERPA, Margarida da
Silva Damião (2010). Compreender a avaliação. Fundamentos para Práticas
Educativas. Lisboa: Edições Colibri.

Teaching method

Teacher training supervision is to be developed in an instructive, collaborative and reflective perspective and should lead to a reflection on the teaching process and professional and personal development.

Continuous assessment respecting all the work done within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice has two components: an intermediate evaluation (formative) and a final evaluation (summative).

More information in Despacho N. 19/2018, de 15 de maio, Normas internas de funcionamento dos mestrados em ensino – formação inicial de professores.

Evaluation method

Método de avaliação - Arithmetic average of the internship and the report viva examination.(50%), Supervision Seminar(50%)

Subject matter

a) Observation and analysis of pedagogical contexts.
b) Practical application of curriculum and geography syllabus.
c) Planning lessons and sequences of lessons.
d) Teaching classes.
e) Adapting teaching approaches in geography to the educational context and individual needs of learners
f) Critical evaluation, development and practical application of teaching materials and resources.
g) Designing and implementing pedagogical activities and projects.
h) Assessment for learning, including diagnostic, formative and summative assessment.
i) Reflective practice and self-evaluation. j) Team-working, collaboration and networking.
k) Intercultural citizenship education.
l) The ethical construction of the teaching profession.