Portuguese Didactics II


-To deepen fundamental scientific knowledge, from the perspective of teaching language and literature.
-To develop a sustained knowledge of contents and methodologies of linguistic and literary analysis.
-To deal with different techniques for teaching language and literature.
-To prepare appropriate educational materials, required for a successful didactic transposition.
-To master research and argumentation methods and practices.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Virgínia Topa Valentim, Maria Antónia Diniz Caetano Coutinho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 140

Teaching language





AGUIAR E SILVA, Vitor (2010). As Humanidades, os Estudos Culturais, o Ensino da Literatura e as Políticas de Língua Portuguesa. Coimbra: Almedina.
BERNARDES, José Cardoso e MATEUS, Rui Afonso (2013). Literatura e Ensino do Português . Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
DIONÍSIO, Maria de Lourdes e Rui Vieira de CASTRO (orgs.) (2005). O Português nas Escolas: Ensaios sobre a Língua e a Literatura no Ensino Secundário. Coimbra: Almedina.
FERREIRA, Carla (2012). Ensino das Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa: Percursos de Leitura da Narrativa. Lisboa: Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias da Faculdade de Letras.
PIEPER, Irene (2006). The Teaching of Literature: Premininary Study. Strasbourg: Language Policy Division – Council of Europe. Documento digital: www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/source/Pieper_fr (consultado a 18/07/2016).
VIEIRA, Maria do Carmo (2010). O Ensino do Português. Lisboa: Relógio D` Água Editores, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Teaching method

Students shall be encouraged to implement the acquired skills by means of practical activities, including the debate on different techniques of teaching language and literature.
Throughout the sessions, students shall be persuaded to read texts and to debate and share relevant ideas regarding the knowledge of contents and methodologies of linguistic and literary analysis. As a virtual complement, students will be advised to visit several web pages with educational interest.

Evaluation method

Evaluation methods - oral presentation (20%), planning of a didactic unit(50%), written test(30%)

Subject matter

1.1. Scientific knowledge and didactic transposition

1.2. Teaching activities: planning, implementation and assessment.

1.3. Teaching language and literature: conceptions, contents and practices.

1.4. The role of language and literature in school curricula, school textbooks and other educational materials.

1.5. Culture, history and aesthetics: literary text and multidisciplinarity.

1.6. Literary text as language: perspectives of analysis.

1.7. Teaching units and materials concerning language and literature teaching.