Cultural Policies, Cultural Images and Museology


OA1 ­ critical analysis of the notions of cultural and natural heritage; tangible and intangible cultural heritage; cultural landscape
OA2 ­ cultural diversity and the diversity of cultural expressions; cultural property and cultural rights
OA3 ­ categorization and listing; the classificatory process in museums and in the field of intangible cultural heritage.

OA4 ­ preservation as a cultural value
OA5­ heritage and memory; dissent and conflicted heritage

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Catarina Sousa Brandão Alves Costa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


Descola, P., 2008, <Who owns culture>?,
Harrison, R., 2013, Heritage. Critical Approaches, London and New York: Routledge.
Harvey D.C, 2001. <Heritage Pasts and Heritage Presents : Temporality, Meaning and the Scope of Heritage Studies>, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7(4) 319­338.

Kirshenblatt­Gimblett, B., 2006.<World Heritage and Cultural Economics>, in Karp, I. and C. A. Kratz eds., Museum Frictions. Public Cultures/ Global Transformations, Durham : Duke University Press, 161­202.
Macdonald, S. 2013. Memoryland, London: Routledge.
Nas, P. J. M. 2002. <Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Culture. Reflections on the UNESCO World Heritage List>, Current Anthropology, 43, 139­148.

Olwig, K.,2001. <Time Out of Mind> ­ <Mind ­Out of Time>: Custom versus Tradition in Environmental Heritage Research and Interpretation, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7 (4), 339­354.
Smith, L., 2006.Uses of Heritage, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Teaching method

The courses consist on ­ oral apresentation and class discussion based on previous readings.

Evaluation method

Método de Avaliação - a) discussions based on previous reading for each session (20%), b) critical presentation of a text(20%), c) final essay (60%)

Subject matter

P1 Museum and ICH. Collaborative museology P2 ­ UNESCO's listing and its implications P3 os critical heritage sutdies e a noção de authorized heritage discourse P4 ICH and temporality The nature of cultural heritage and the culture of natural heritage. P5The nature of cultural heritage and the culture of natural heritage. The blurred boundaries between natural and cultural heritage. P6 Cultural diversity and the biodiversity as a value; P7 The notion of cultural landscape; P8 ICH and cultural rights.Heritage by consent and by descent. P9 To preserve as a cultural phenomenon; preservation of heritage as an act of valuation. P10 ICH and memory; dissent and conflicted memories and heritage. P11 ICH, nostalgia and emotions.


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