Waste Treatment Systems


The aim of this course is to enable students to solve complex problems on waste management. The students should develop relationship skills, interconnection of fundamental concepts, in a perspective from the parts to the whole.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Espinha da Silveira


Weekly - 4

Total - 128

Teaching language



Do not have


Martinho, M.G.; Gonçalves, M. G., Silveira, A. (2013).Gestão Integrada de Resíduos. Universidade Aberta (em publicação).

Tchobanoglous, G.; Kreith, F. (2002). Handbook of Solid Waste Management. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill International Editions.

Williams, P.T. (1998). Waste Treatment and Disposal. John Wiley.
Bilitewski, B.; Härdtle, G.; Marek, K.; Weissbach, A.; Boeddicker, H. (1994). Waste Management. Springer.

Teaching method

The teaching method is accomplished by lectures and practical classes, some in industrial facilities. Students are supported with theoretical and practical bases necessary to solve complex problems. The students are  continuously monitoring to clarify doubts, to consolidate knowledge, and discuss concepts and transmits the technical approaches needed to develop the work they have in the future professional life.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment - consists of making 2 tests (each test worth 30% of the final grade) and presence (at least 2/3 of the classes to obtain frequency) and participation in practical classes (40% of final grade) .

Subject matter

Module 1. Waste as Resource. Integrated Waste Management. Waste Hierarchy. Objectives and targets.
Module 2. End-of-waste Criteria. Requirements.
Module 3. Development of methodologies for waste characterization.
Module 4. Selective collections of Resíduos. Organização and implementation. Material quality.
Module 5. Waste Processing. Separation processes and equipamentos. Development of material balances. Technical material specifications and material quality criteria.
Module 6. Landfill as Final Storage for residual waste.