Project in Innovative Materials Recycling and Sustainability


This subject gives students research and development opportunities, promoting the participation in research projects of the academic staff of the faculty. The scientific committee of the study program keeps a list of offers, for the participation of students in research projects. The student carries out the work plan along the semester, with special incidence in the period between the end of exams and the beginning of the next semester, comprising 5 weeks at the lab following the project. The student will have contact with scientific research environment and gain knowledge on how research projects work in the area of innovative materials recycling and sustainability. The student will develop skills in presenting and explaining research results, skills of team working, oral and written communication, and independent learning. Depending on the project chosen, the student will acquire specific knowledge on the subject area and also some specific technical skills in the project area.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Alexandre José da Costa Velhinho, João Pedro Botelho Veiga


Weekly - 5

Total - 64

Teaching language





The bibliography of the discipline will be a function of the work and research theme chosen by the student, and will be gathered through an adequate bibliographic search by the student.

Teaching method

After selection of the project and the research group where the student will be included, a tutor will be assigned who will follow the student, during the period of completion of work and discipline. 

Evaluation method

The evaluation is made by a final report, describing the activities and results obtained. The assessment can be complemented with further information collected by the tutor during the activities. The report is publicly presented and discussed.

Subject matter

Inclusion on a research team at choice of the student from a given set of project made available. Participation on the research work of the chosen project and preparation of a report.


Programs where the course is taught: