Clean Technologies and Green Chemistry


Understanding of the basic principles underlining the development of Sustainable Chemical Processes.

Learning to apply sustainability scales to Chemical Engineering Design.

Integrating acquired knowledge in the framework of Green Chemistry.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Nobre Martins Aguiar de Oliveira Ricardo


Weekly - 4

Total - 71

Teaching language



Available soon


P.T.Anastas & J.C. Warner. Green chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press, NY 1998

Concepción Jimenez-Gonzalez & D.J.C. Constable. Green chemistry and Engineering, A Practical Design Approach. Wiley 2011

Teaching method

Teaching is done in classes of subject presentation and problem solving and in practical classes, in a computer lab, where groups of four students address the two following tasks: (1) oral presentation of a study on the Principles of Green Chemistry / Sustainable Engineering applied to a theme chosen from; (2) schematic Life Cycle Analysis study of an industrial process, using the specialised software Gabi

Evaluation method

Final mark (scale 0 to 20)

Theoretical-practical grade (50 %) + (50 %)

Practical classes - average mark of 2 reports presented by students in teams of 3 or 4 - teams P:

Practical grade:
- weighted average of the grades of 2 assignments (0.4 x grade of Practical Assignment 1 + 0.6 x grade of Practical Assignment 2) carried out in teams of 3 or 4 students – P teams:

1. Practical Assignment grade 1: writing of an abstract on a case of study and presentation of the chosen topic on suggested websites, namely:
Objective – describe compliance with the principles of Green Chemistry/Sustainable Engineering, calculation of Green Chemistry Metrics.

2. Practical Assignment grade 2: completion of a written report on Life Cycle Analysis performed with specialized software.

Theoretical-practical grade:

The theoretical-practice grade is given by the sum of the Open Question Answer grade, plus the summative test grade performed in person, plus the additional grade of the TPs.

The Open Question Answer and Summative Test are rated from 1 to 10.
The open question is made available at least 1 week before the deadline for submission.

The summative test is a test that includes calculus questions and multiple choice questions.

Additional note of theoretical-practical classes:
1 - Grade obtained in 4 debates Pros and Cons – between TP teams of 4 or 5 students, chosen by the faculty of the discipline, grouping students from different P teams.
Subjects: Catalysis, Solvents, Bio-refineries, CO2 capture and utilization.
Each debate will have a winning TP team, by vote of students present (50%) and teachers present (50%).
Students from the winning teams will have a bonus of 0.5 points to be added to their practice grade.

Mandatory presence in debates (missing = -1 val).

There may be additional assessment events in the theoretical-practical classes: up to +0.2 val per event.

Subject matter

Chemical Industy, Chemicals and their impact on modern lifestyles.

The Principles of Green Chemistry and of Sustainable Engineering.

Toxicology. The European legislation on chemicals REACH.

Sustainable Chemistry metrics. Life Cycle Analysis.

The tools of Green Chemistry. Homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis. Waste reduction. Intensification of processes. Alternative solvents. Biotechnology and Biorefinries. Carbon capture and sequestration.