Dissertation in Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnics)


By successfully completing the course, students will hdemonstrated the ability to:

Acquire specific knowledge in the areas of Structures and/or Geotechnics of Civil Engineering, through research activities and deepening professional skills;

Integrating knowledge, dealing with complex issues, developing solutions and issuing judgments, including reflections on the implications and ethical and social responsibilities that result from these solutions and these judgments;

Communicate your conclusions, knowledge and reasoning behind them, in a clear and unambiguous way both orally and in writing

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ildi Cismasiu


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 190

Teaching language



Completion of the curricular plan except two CUs.


Bibliography is provided by supervisors according to the topic to be developed

Teaching method

Students in collaboration with the supervisors define the work plan and the student develops the plan in part autonomously or under supervision.

Evaluation method

The assessment is carried out by the supervisor along the semester and the final assessment corresponds to the public defense of the dissertation.

Subject matter

The dissertation program defines the objectives, tasks and work plan for the entire semester. This program is proposed by the Advisor and must be approved by the Course Coordinator, after consulting the Scientific Committee.


Programs where the course is taught: