Civil Engineering

Education objectives

  1. Train high-level technicians in the field of Civil Engineering, capable of applying, through scientific methodologies, gained knowledge, displaying an updated general training in different areas and a particularly strong background in the specialty the PhD is conducted. 

  2. Forming Civil Engineering professionals with critical thinking and ability to understand problems, to formulate them, solve them and able to continue to learn (continuing education) in an autonomous way . For such a training directed to problems understanding, the application of attitude and reasoning is its resolution key.

  3. Provide ability to conceive, design, adapt and carry out research respecting high standards of academic quality and integrity;

  4. Promote the development of original works and innovative research in various Civil Engineering specialties that contribute to extend knowledge frontiers of knowledge and deserve international dissemination in publications with a selection committee;

  5. Provide the PhD students with written and oral skills, sometimes in foreign languages, in order to allow them to communicate their conclusions and the reasoning underlying them accurately, clearly and unambiguously, both to experts and to non-experts.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

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Rodrigo de Moura Gonçalves

Opening date





(await approval)

Portuguese students: 2 750 Euros/ year

Foreign students: 2 750 Euros/ year


Day and tutorial system

Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 3 years

Credits: 180 ECTS

Specialty Construction Science

Área científica Sigla Créditos (ECTS)
Obrigatórios Optativos
Construction Sciences CCON 150 0
Civil Engineering EC 6 0
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G 0 12
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics or Other Area EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G / OA 0 12
TOTAL 156 12

Specialty Structures

Área científica Sigla Créditos (ECTS)
Obrigatórios Optativos
Structures E 150 0
Civil Engineering EC 6 0
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G 0 12
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics or Other Area EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G / OA 0 12
TOTAL 156 12

Specialty Geotechnics

Área científica Sigla Créditos (ECTS)
Obrigatórios Optativos
Geotechnics G 150 0
Civil Engineering EC 6 0
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G 0 12
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics or Other Area EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G / OA 0 12
TOTAL 156 12

Specialty Hydraulics

Área científica Sigla Créditos (ECTS)
Obrigatórios Optativos
Hydraulics H 150 0
Civil Engineering EC 6 0
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G 0 12
Civil Engineering or Construction Sciences or Structures or Engineering Sciences or Hydraulics or Geotechnics or Other Area EC / CCON / E / CE / H / G / OA 0 12
TOTAL 156 12

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

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