Master in Facade Technology

Education objectives

Available soon

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Access to a 3rd cycle


Daniel Aelenei

Opening date

Available soon




(await approval)

Portuguese students: 1500 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 1 year

Credits: 60 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Architecture Arq 1,5 0
Civil Engineering EC 51 0

Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEC 6 0

Industrial Engineering

EI 3 0
TOTAL 60 0

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

The evaluation of all UCs is continuous for all the components that integrate it, and it must be completed by the last day of the school term of the academic semester.

The continuous evaluation of a UC must include a minimum of three elements in the set of evaluation components, on dates adequately spaced throughout the period of classes.

All UCs with a theoretical-practical evaluation component must provide, in addition, a form of evaluation of this component by exam, to be carried out after the period of classes (Examination of Appeal).

All requirements and conditions related to the evaluation of the UC, namely the minimum weights and classifications, if any, of each component, as well as the Frequency conditions, are defined a priori and, mandatorily, published in the Discipline Form.

For each UC, combinations of three evaluation components are allowed: (i) Theoretical-practical evaluation; (ii) Laboratory or project evaluation; (iii) Summative assessment.

The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.

Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos (Licenciaturas, Mestrados Integrados e Mestrados.)


1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
12471 Climatic Actions, Lighting and Ventilation 6.0
12469 Structural Behavior of Facades 6.0
12470 Thermal and Acoustic Performance of Facades 6.0
12473 Management and Sustainability of Facades 3.0
12472 Building Integration of Solar Systems 6.0
11987 Materials and Technologies of the Facades 3.0
2.º Semester - Opção Avançada de Formação
Code Name ECTS
12474 Practical Training with Report on Facade Technology 30.0
12475 Project Work on Facade Technology 30.0
O aluno deverá obter 30.0 créditos nesta opção.