Chemical Structure and Bonding A


At the end, students should have acquired knowledge and skills which will allow:

To apply general concepts of quantum mechanics

Predict atomic and molecular properties

Predict Lewis Structures.

Predict electronic structure and molecular geometry through Valence Bond Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory

Predict molecular properties (bond order and distance, paramagnetism, acid/base behavior, nucleofilicity and electrofilicity, ionization energy, electron affinity, etc.)

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Madalena Alves de C.S.D. Andrade


Weekly - 2

Total - 43

Teaching language





R. L. Deckock, H. B. Gray, Chemical Structure and Bonding, University Science Books, Sausalito, California,1989

Teaching method

Theoretical classes (2 x 1 hour weekly online), theoretical-practical classes (8 sessions of 1.5 hours each); in 2 of the problem solving sessions a specific software will be used to visualize molecular orbitals.

Evaluation method

The final grade is obtained by the weighted average between the two individual assessment tests (75%) provided that the average rating of the two tests is equal to or greater than 9 values, the group problem solving sessions (12.5%) and the mini-tests performed on the moodle platform (12.5%). The student will be approved if, after this weighted average, he/she obtains a classification ≥ 9.5

The student who does not obtain a classification ≥ 9 in the average of the two individual tests, will be evaluated in a final exam. For students who pass in the final exam (grade ≥ 9.5), the grade obtained in this exam will be the final grade for the course.

Subject matter

Introduction to quantum mechanics: wavelike behaviour; Heisenberg''''s uncertainty principle; Schrödinger''''s equation. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Wavefunction normalization. Particle in a one-dimensional box. Quantic numbers and the box''''s dimensionality. Atomic orbitals and energy levels. Radial distribution function. Angular moments. Polielectronic atoms. Periodic properties. Molecules. Lewis structures. Molecular geometry. Molecular structure: Ionic bonding and crystal lattice energy. Covalent bonding. Valence bond theory. Linear combination of atomic orbitals, Molecular orbital theory. Molecular orbital energy diagrams of diatomic and poliatomic molecules. Chemical reactivity according to the frontier orbital theory. Lewis acids and bases.


Programs where the course is taught: