Students are introduced to the basic of Electronics.
Since some of the students did not have any exposition to Electric Circuits Theory, an introduction is required.
The prevalent idea is to prepare students for the subsequent disciplines in Electronics and Instrumentation, giving them a solid background in the basics of diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors. An introduction to Operational Amplifiers is also covered. Being a subject for Biomedical Engineering an emphasis is put on circuits involving bio-signals amplifiers.
Patient electric safety is introduced
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Arnaldo Manuel Guimarães Batista
Weekly - 5
Total - 100
Teaching language
Students are required to have a background in college calculus and electromagnetics. |
Sedra & Smith: Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford University Press
Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley
M. Medeiros Silva, Introdução aos Circuitos Eléctricos e Electrónicos, M. Medeiros Silva, Fundação C. Gulbenkian
Teaching method
Students must register for practical shifts complying with all the rules, namely the limit of students per class, etc.
Students will not be able to attend practical classes if they are not enrolled in them.
The practical classes will be indirectly controlled through random questions about the proposed exercises.
Theoretical-practical classes may include solving exercises. . Laboratory classes where students assemble electronic circuits. Final reports. Mini-Projects and Final Project.
Emphasis is placed on practical applications of electronic circuits.
Evaluation method
Some of the practical classes can be in thr DEE Lab
Final= 60% Tests+ 40% Lab
mini test ( test 1) : 10% (The existence of this test will depend on the online teaching evolution)
test nº1:; 45%
test nº2: 45%
Threshold (0.1*teste1+.45*teste2+.45*teste3)>=9.5
B- Three Labs 60%
Lab 1 (20%):
Lab 2 (20%):
Lab 3 (20%):
Final Project: 40%
Acess condition: Average in Lab1. Lab2, Lab3 and Final Project >=9.5
Final Project mark above 9.5
Subject matter
Review of Electric Circuits analysis.
Diodes. Circuits with diodes. Rectifiers, Stabilizers, Limiting and Clamping Circuits. The Zener diode and applications.
Bipolar Junction Transistor : polarization and small signals model. Common Emitter, Common Base and Common Collector. Current Sources. Multi-Stage Amplifier. Impedance matching.
Field Effect Transistor: MOSFET (Enhancement and Depletion) channel n and p. Polarization and small signal models. Amplifiers.
Differential Pair: polarization and small signal model.
Introduction to Operational Amplifiers. The inverting and non-inverting configuration. The adder. Difference Amplifier. Instrumentation Amplifier. Common Mode. Slew-Rate.
CMOS Logic Circuits
Patient Electric Safety
Programs where the course is taught: