Technical Drawing
- To apply the rules of Technical Drawing in order to achieve the graphical representation of mechanical components.
- To read and execute orthogonal projections.
- To understand the rules of Technical Drawing in order to draw axonometric projections (perspectives).
- To understand the rules of Technical Drawing in order to draw assemblages of components.
- To be capable to model and to assemble non-complex tridimensional parts using a Computer-Aided Design software.
- To know how to 3D print the parts modelled.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António José Freire Mourão, Bruno Alexandre Rodrigues Simões Soares
Weekly - 3
Total - 56
Teaching language
- Desenho Técnico – Luís Veiga da Cunha – Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Desenho Técnico Moderno – Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa – Ed. Lidel
- Elements made available by teachers.
Teaching method
The UC will be taught in a practical theoretical model, in which the concepts presented are immediately put into practice.
The course will have a fundamental emphasis on freehand drawing as well as the use of 3D CAD software.
Evaluation method
•1 Test 50%
•1 Project 40%
•OT’s (Exercises performed in class) 10%
•To obtain frequency (mandatory condition to pass the class) students must have at least 9.5v on the project and deliver a minimum of 3 OT.
•Minimum Pass Grade 10 valores
Minimum test grade 8.5 points
Subject matter
- Rules for graphical representation.
- Representation of orthogonal projections.
- Sectional views.
- Dimensioning.
- Axonometric views.
- Introduction to computer aided design (CAD 3D).
- 3D printing of modelled parts.